Page 91 of Mr. Hook-up

She laughed. “All right, all right. I certainly can’t argue any of those points.” Her hand fell to my chest as I released it, and she flattened it against my heart as she gazed up at me. “The details, Easton. The ones you notice, the ones you surprise me with. Each time”—she shook her head—“it makes me all tingly and breathless.”

“I’m more observant than most men.”

“And I love that about you.”

I leaned down to kiss her. I didn’t take her lips hastily; I didn’t claim them. I just softly pressed my mouth to hers. “Breakfast is going to be a little different than you’re probably expecting.”

“Explain yourself, Mr.Boston.”

I held her cheek. “A chef is coming to our room to make you something savory.”

Our room.

Because before we’d left for Berlin, I had booked us a suite at the same hotel and paid for it personally, so I wouldn’t set off any alarms when our head of finance got the corporate credit card bill.

Her brows rose. “Just for me?”

“Well, for us, and then we’re being picked up to start our day of sightseeing. You know about the Jewish Museum, which we’re going to first. I’ve hired a private guide, so you can ask all the questions you want, and we won’t have to wait in any lines.” I rubbed my thumb across her lips. “We’ll then stop by Checkpoint Charlie, the Brandenburg Gate, the Wall Memorial—the required sites.” I paused, letting that settle in. “But aside from the museum, my most anticipated part of tomorrow is going to be the underground tour.”

“Underground?” Her head tilted. “I’m intrigued.”

“It’s a completely unexpected side of the city, where we’ll be shown war bunkers and air-raid shelters, and escape tunnels that were used during the war. The museum will show us one side of the way things were, and the underground tour will show us the other.” I fanned my fingers across her cheeks. “You’re not the only one who enjoys having a little taste of history.”

She wrapped her other arm around me, holding me as close as she could get me. “You’re positively incredible, you know that?”

I knew there were people passing us on the sidewalk, moving around us as they went about their day, probably annoyed that we were in their way.

None of that mattered to me.

All I cared about was looking into this beautiful woman’s eyes.

Kissing her.

And making sure she knew I felt the exact same way about her.



“Vodka,” I said to the bartender as I leaned forward on my stool, placing my arms on the bar top, “on the rocks, please.”

Saara clasped my shoulder. “Ummm, where’s my best friend, and what have you done with her?”

I looked at Saara, and then at the bartender, grinning as I said, “And please make it a double.”

“Okay, it’s like that,” Saara replied, and then added, “I’ll take a double, too, I suppose.” Still holding me, she turned on her barstool to face me. “You’ve been home from Germany for a month, and you’ve been seeing Easton for a little longer than that, and I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.”

“Because I’m drinking liquor?”

She twirled one of my locks around her finger. “That and because”—a smile grew across her face, filling her eyes—“you’re in love.” She cupped my cheeks. “Happiness is the best look on you. You’re glowing, Drake. I’ve never seen you look more radiant.” She squeezed my shoulder and face. “Do you know how happy that makes me? My heart is literally screaming for you right now.”

I found my lip and chewed it. “Saara”—I took a deep breath—“I really, really like him.”

“You That’s where we’re going with this?”

“For now, yes.”

“Just so you know, love is very much on the horizon. I’m not asking. I’m telling you.”