Page 64 of Mr. Hook-up

He stretched his arms up over his head, bending his elbows, and finally held the back of his head with his palms. “Now that’s some shit.” His stare intensified. “What the hell is wrong with you? For what reason would you say no?”

I refused to mention Drake.

This wasn’t about her, anyway. This was about Love.

“Because what would be the point?” I asked him. “Things are good, man. I don’t need that wound reopened.”

“Who says you have to reopen it? Why not just fuck her?”

I exhaled, shaking my head. “I have no desire to do that either.”

“You’ve earned yourself a VIP medal for how many women you’ve found on Hooked. You’ve moved on after each one. Treat Love the same as all of them—”

“But she isn’t the same. She wasn’t from the moment we started talking or the moment she forced us to stop talking.”

He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. “You’re still torn up about this, aren’t you?”

“Not about what happened ... shit, that’s in the past. But her popping up like this, out of nowhere—yeah, it stirs some memories.”

“Are you looking for advice?”

I folded my hands, covering the screen of my phone as the notification came through, alerting me that she was online again.

He nodded toward my phone. “Is that her?”


He smiled as he stood from his chair and headed for the door, stalling once he reached it. “Remember, if you don’t go, you’ll regret it. For the rest of your life, you’ll always wonder what she wanted to say to you.”


“No, I’m right.” He opened my door and glanced down the hallway, his stare returning to me. “Want to go to the bar tonight and get utterly shit-faced?”

“Fuck yes.”

“Good, then I’ll see you later.”

Once he was gone, I opened the text box I’d started last night, gazing at the words I’d sent Drake.

I didn’t want to bombard her with attention. I didn’t want to go into her office and tell her how gorgeous she looked. I wanted to give her just a little space until I knew how she was feeling about all this.

But that didn’t mean I was going to back off entirely.

Me:Your door was closed when I came in this morning. You weren’t kidding, you are an early riser. Figured you were nursing a wicked hangover and needed some space. That’s why I didn’t knock.

Drake:You should have seen me with my coffee. It was quite a scene.

Me:I’ve seen you with Diet Coke. I can only imagine.


Me:But a night that was well worth it.

Drake:You’re right about that.

Me:If you have to take off early and nap, I promise I won’t judge you.

Drake:If you saw what my day looks like, I think you’d feel bad for me.