“Yeah. Fucking gave yourself away there though, didn’t you? So go on, give me all the juicy details. Hell knows it’s been a few days too long since I’ve seen any action.”

“Fuck you. We don’t all like to share the details.”

“Seems like none of you do anymore now those two motherfuckers are all loved up. Everything is changing. I don’t like it.”

He’s silent for a moment. “Yeah, it is. Can’t say it’s for the worse though.”

“Holy shit, was it Abi?” I gasp.

His brows pinch together in confusion, and my heart sinks. For a smart guy, the clueless prick can’t see what’s right in front of his face.

“You’re an idiot,” I mutter, taking his beloved bottle with me to the sofa. “I need to beat the shit out of something. It’s either you, or a zombie. Your choice.”

“Right now, I’ll take the zombie. But tomorrow we can hit the ring if you want.”

“Fuck yeah, I want.” I crack my fingers, my muscles twitching to throw a punch and hear the crack of bone beneath my fist, although it’s not Elliot’s face I picture but one that is a little more similar to my own.

I load up the game, taking a shot of vodka every few minutes before we get into it.It might not be the physical outlet I could do with, but it’s a good enough distraction as we slay zombie after zombie like goddamn pros.

I lose track of time but eventually, the front door to the Chapel opens and laughter from our missing friends hits my ears.

“Where the fuck have you all been?” I ask without taking my eyes off the TV.

“Cinema and dinner. Why? Did you want to be our fifth wheel?” Reese teases as he falls onto the sofa, pulling Liv onto his lap.

“And watch the four of you hook up in the back row of the cinema? No fucking thank you.”

“Theo,” Tally gasps.

“Prim,” Oak teases. “No need to be shy. You shouldn’t be after those four orgasms I gave you back there.”

“Jesus,” Elliot mutters. “You four make me sick.”

“And you’re a jealous motherfucker,” Reese announces happily. “You know you’d have rather been knuckles deep in a certain girl tonight than sitting here playing Xbox like a loser.”

“You’re a pig,” Liv hisses.

“Maybe so, but you weren’t complaining when you beat Tally by one tonight.”

“Fucking hell, I need to get laid.”

“So what are you waiting for?” Elliot asks. “Send one message and you know you’d have a queue outside the front door in two minutes, tops.”

I pause the game, thinking about his words. He’s not wrong. The chasers of All Hallows’ are that fucking desperate.

Desperate and too easy.

I don’t want easy, not anymore. The excitement of that has more than dulled.

I want a challenge.

Someone who is going to fight me at every turn.

And I think I know just the girl.