Page 142 of Brutal Callous Heir

I never will be.

Millie is sleeping soundly when I slip back into my room. I linger for a second. She doesn’t deserve any of this. But at least she has someone fighting in her corner.

I never had that growing up.

And I sure as hell don’t have it now.

I’m all alone in the world.

I always will be.



My body vibrates with anger and my need to drive across town and put an end to our cunt of a father once and for all.

I always feared this would happen.

Millie is the spitting image of our mum. I’ve heard him comment on it a few times over the years, and every single time it’s turned my blood to ice.

I promised myself a long time ago that I’d do whatever it takes to keep Millie safe.

I thought I’d achieved it. I’ve got everything ready to go. But he moved first.

I’m furious that she decided to take off and go back there without me. But I’m not about to wake her up and let her know.

She’s already suffered the consequences of her decisions. The last thing she needs is me going off at her.

It’s almost over.

In only days, that cunt is going to get everything he deserves.

I’ve just got to wait a few more days and everything I’ve been planning will come to fruition.

Millie’s soft snores fill the room as I stare up at the ceiling.

As much as I try to ignore it, Raine’s scent fills my nose, tempting me, taunting me.

I was mortified when she hung up, choosing whoever was on the other side of the door over me. But then I saw Millie’s terrified face and the tears that were filling her eyes and I was dressed and running over here before I had a chance to think.

My little sister, her safety, her future mean everything to me.I will do anything, any-fucking-thing, to make her happy.

But right now, she’s not the one who’s up in my head.

That’s the girl who should be in this room.

I shouldn’t have let her go, but I was too fucking blinded by anger to stop her.

Such a fucking idiot, Theodore Ashworth.

Without waking Millie, I roll off the bed and grab my phone from the side.

Silently, I slip out of Raine’s room and make my way down the silent hallway.I pause when I get to Millie’s door, questioning my need to be here, my need to see the girl who’s hiding inside to give the two of us some time.

I didn’t want her to go. And not just because she knew the truth. Because I wanted her to be there with us.

Despite me warning her off, she’s been there for Millie since the first day she arrived at All Hallows’. She deserves to have everyone in her corner right now.