Page 134 of Brutal Callous Heir

“Um… I wanted to… I wanted to talk about…” I swallow nervously, desperately trying to dig something believable up. “Raine.”

A wide smile curls at Oakley’s lips, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Oh, man. I’ve been waiting for this day,” he states, placing his hand over his heart like a proud father. “Come on. I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned.”

“Oh Jesus,” Fiona mutters while Christian watches us both with amusement.

“And then come find me again and I’ll put you right.”

“Tally has no complaints,” Oak states proudly.

“Not what I overheard her saying to Liv,” Fiona adds over her shoulder before disappearing from the room with her coffee.

“Oh burn,” I laugh.

“She’s lying. I know she’s lying,” Oak sulks.

“Maybe I should have gone after Reese for this. Get all his secrets about how he makes your sister—”

“Yeah, and we’re done now,” Christian says, following Fiona out.

“Dude, you really know how to clear a room,” Oakley mutters as he pulls the fridge open and grabs a couple of cans.

“So what is it you need to know? Is it about periods?”

Fuck my life.

* * *

After having to spend longer than I ever wanted to listen to Oakley give me his wealth of advice when it came to having a girlfriend, we finally left his house and headed back to the Chapel.

Thankfully, he never questioned me again about why I was there in the first place when he had very clearly told me about the study session he was doing. I guess talk of Tally was enough to distract him. And the second we walk into the Chapel, the girl in question steps straight into his arms and he forgets I even exist.

“Where the hell have you two been?” Elliot asks, nosey motherfucker.

“Nowhere exciting. You untwisted your knickers at last?” I ask, remembering him storming off last night and his noticeable absence from the group all day.

He glares at me but says nothing.

“Dude, all I’m saying is if you want to talk, I’m all ears. You want her, you don’t, what the fuck ever. But until you make a decision and stick with it, you’re going to get ribbed about it.”

“I don’t,” he mutters.

“Then maybe stop watching her like she’s the only girl in the world,” I suggest, clapping him on the back before I move toward the stairs.

There might be girls here, but it was abundantly clear from the moment I stepped through the door that she wasn’t and my need to see her is too much to deny.

“I’m going for a shower,” I announce to no one before taking the stairs two at a time.

The second I burst through my bedroom door, I pull my phone from my pocket and open up the app I installed last night.

Grabbing that camera alongside her phone was a spur of the moment thing. But once the thought had taken hold, I couldn’t let it go. The prospect of watching her, learning more about the real her was too much to deny and I had it in my pocket long before I could even begin talking myself out of it.

It’s an invasion of privacy, sure. I’m more than aware of that.

But she tagged our cars and ruined our party.

She might suck cock like no other and have a pussy I can’t stop thinking about. But she still went after us in a way no one else would be brave enough to.