Page 133 of Brutal Callous Heir


“Okay, that’s everything,” Christian Beckworth says, stuffing the papers I just signed into a folder and then hiding them into his briefcase that sits between us on their dining table.

“And you’re sure about this, Theo?” Fiona asks softly. Concern glitters in her eyes, but it’s pointless.

“I’ve been planning this for too long to let it go now.”

“We know sweetie. It’s just… it’s going to be huge.”

“Nothing less than he deserves.”

“Agreed,” Christian growls fiercely, his fists curling on the tabletop. “Thank you for trusting us with this, Theo.”

I nod, feeling all kinds of things about the fact my eighteenth birthday, the day my life changes for the better, is approaching. I’ve been waiting for this. Counting down the days. Praying it would come faster.

And it nearly is.

It’s almost time for the world to know what a cunt Anthony Ashworth really is.

I’ve spent years documenting his indiscretions, collecting evidence to prove that almost every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

In only a few days, all that work is going to pay off, triggering a whole line of events that both Christian and Fiona have planned for.

We’re going to be fine. Nothing really needs to change for us.

All of this is about justice and keeping Millie safe, and those are my biggest priorities.

Even if the thought of having to prepare her for what’s about to come twists up a tight knot in my stomach.

It’ll be worth it.

It has to be worth it.

No one needs a sick and twisted piece of shit like him in their lives, not after what he’s done to us.

“Wouldn’t have trusted anyone else,” I say honestly. Not only is Christian a kick-arse lawyer, Fiona too, but seeing as they’ve both been in my life as far back as I can remember and hell, they’ve been better, kinder parents to me than my own father.

“Okay, well, if you’re happy. I’ve got a few calls to make.”

Christian pushes his chair back as the front door to the house slams closed.

“Dad?” Oakley calls, making my heart sink into my feet.

Fuck. My eyes collide with Christian’s, but he’s as cool as a cucumber, as always.

“Oh, hey,” Oak says as he bursts into the room. “Have you seen— Theo?” he balks, not expecting to find me sitting in the middle of the kitchen with his dad and stepmum. “What are you doing here?”

“He was searching for you,” Fiona says smoothly, also pushing her chair back. “Would you like a coffee?”

“Uh…” Oak rubs the back of his neck as his eyes dart suspiciously between us all. “I told you this morning I had a revision session after school.”

He drills me with a look.

“Shit, yeah. I totally forgot. When you weren’t at the Chapel, I thought I’d try my luck here,” I lie, hoping I sound as smooth as Christian and Fiona.

“What’s so important you needed to hunt me down?”
