Page 114 of Brutal Callous Heir

“Fine, but I’m leaving the second you patch me up.”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, sunshine. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

My shirt is ruined and my skin is sticky and wet with blood. I’m aware I probably look like something out of a horror show. But when Theo runs his dark eyes over me, I feel something else entirely.

“Don’t tell me the blood turns you on,” I quip, trying to lighten the mood, the intensity crackling between us.

“Only if I put it there.” He flashes me a feral grin.

“You kind of did,” I point out.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t realise you’d go all Bear Grylls and try and hack yourself free.”

“And if you hadn’t have come back? What the hell did you think I was going to do?”

“I… I wasn’t thinking, okay? Come on. I think there’s a first aid kit in the kitchen cupboard.”

Theo jams his fingers in his hair and stalks off.

I traipse after him, trying my best not to drip blood all over their immaculate fancy Heir-worthy floor. This place is… well, it’s exactly what I expected.

Ostentatious. Fancy. Over the top. It’s the epitome of posh boy domain and I can’t deny I’m completely out of place here.

It’s the kind of place I’ve only ever seen in films or on the TV.

Another world.

A sigh slips from my lips. What am I doing here? Pretending that Theo cares.

He might even think he does but we both know he’s not really capable of those feelings. Because the world he lives in, tells him he doesn’t have to care. People will always bend over backwards for him, cave to his will, because his name means something around here.

And I hate that. I hate that he’ll never have to struggle or worry.

“You look ready to bolt.” His voice startles me, and I slowly look over at him.

“I shouldn’t be here.”

“Relax, I invited you.”

“This was a bad idea. I should—”

“Just let me get you cleaned up, okay? It would assuage my guilt.”

“Guilt?” Laughter bubbles in my chest. “I didn’t realise you were capable of such things.”

“One thing.”

“What?” My brows pinch.

“I gave you one real thing. Now it’s your turn.”

I scoff. “I think that negotiation was well and truly over the second you tied me up and left me in the abandoned shed.”

“Come on, humour me.” He stalks toward me again, his eyes burning into my own. Searching for answers I can’t give him.

“Who are you, Raine? What are you running from?” He’s on me now, so close I could reach out and touch him.

I don’t though.