Page 102 of Brutal Callous Heir

What I need is her transfer file. Elliot could get it for me in a heartbeat if I were to ask.

There lies the problem…

I have to ask. And asking means looking interested.

I could claim that I’m trying to prove her guilt. But seriously, what kind of evidence about tagging our cars would be in her file?

That would be her past. The schools she’s attended, the places she’s lived. That would tell me little about her guilt and a whole lot about where she came from. It would help me understand the woman who seems to have this hold over me to make me do exactly what she wants.

I got on my fucking knees for her.

I licked… Yeah, probably best not to go there.

Not finding any damning evidence, I switch to her emails. Once again, I find nothing of any excitement, so I head for her socials. And that’s where I come up blank.

She has none.

I’ve searched for her multiple times and come up empty in my need to scroll through her images and get my fix of an addiction I really need to kick. But I never found her. I assumed that was because she had some dumb username and was hiding in plain sight. But apparently, I was wrong. She just doesn’t exist.

What kind of teenager doesn’t have at least one social media account?

One with secrets…

I’m about to dive into her passwords to see if she’s ever stored one when my own phone rings on the bed beside me. The second it starts up I groan. The ringtone sends a chill through me.

It’s been radio silence since teeing off with him last weekend, but apparently, he’s remembered I exist again. I stare at his contact, letting it ring out for as long as I dare. But eventually, I hit connect and lift it to my ear.

“Father,” I grunt.

“We’re having a family meal this afternoon. Get Millie and be over here by two at the latest.”

“What if I have plans?” I don’t know why I ask, I already know what his answer will be.

“Cancel them. Maria wants you here.”

That’s bullshit and we both know it. Maria only wants and does exactly what Dad says. I want to say it’s pathetic. That she needs to grow a backbone and stand up to him. But I can’t because I fully understand why she doesn’t.

He’s a chauvinistic, controlling piece of shit. Life wouldn’t be worth living for her if she stuck her head above the parapet.

That’s why it’s down to me to finally release us from the hold he has over all of us.

In only a few weeks, I’m going to expose everything I know about the man who controls all our lives and I’m going to laugh my fucking tits off when he gets everything he deserves.


“I’ll see what I can do,” I say, although we know exactly what that will be.

A couple of minutes before two, I will be walking through the front door to a house I’d happily never step inside again to have a bullshit family meal.

You’re doing it to protect them. Just a few more weeks, a little voice pops up.

I hang up before he gets a chance to respond. Probably a mistake I’ll end up paying for later but right now, I’m too pissed off to care.

Opening my messages, I tap out a one to Millie, letting her know what’s going on before abandoning Raine’s phone in my sheets and marching toward the shower. The temptation to turn up stinking of last night’s whisky and weed is strong, but I won’t do it. Millie and Maria deserve more than me poking the beast any more than I already have.

A little less than two hours later, Millie is sitting in my passenger seat wearing an Anthony Ashworth-approved dress and wringing her hands in her lap.

I can’t deny that I’m on board with her dressing like a nun.At twelve, she’s quickly developing into a beautiful young woman with curves that I know will soon bring any red-blooded male in the vicinity to his knees. Add the innocent eyes and smart mouth she often unleashes on me, and I just know that I’ll have my work cut out for me if she were wearing anything more revealing.