Page 89 of Heartless Enemy

Wicked glee and incredible relief and smug fucking victory thrummed inside my soul, making my heart pound, as I stared out at the sea of kneeling people.

The south of Malgrave was mine.



Completely mine.

I had finally accomplished what I swore to myself that I would do back when I was locked in a wooden box, desperately clawing at the walls in the darkness and begging for mercy.

Ihad become the one in control. The one who ruled. The one who people knelt before and begged for help from. I held all the power. And no one would ever take it from me again.

But first, we just needed to handle the even bigger threat.

A pissed-off worldwalker and his army.


“Well, Dark Mage King of Malgrave,” I said, my voice teasing, as Levi strode out of his bathroom and into the bedroom. “I believe you have some kneeling to do.”

Turning towards me, he opened his mouth as if to respond. But then his gaze reached me, and whatever he had been about to say died on his tongue. He stared at me, his mouth still slightly open. Since he had just come out of the shower, he was only wearing a towel wrapped around his hips. A bulge quickly formed at the front of it. I smirked.

I was standing by the foot of his bed, casually leaning back against the black and gold metal bedframe. And I was completely naked.

Levi’s gray eyes burned like fiery steel as he raked his gaze over my body. He licked his lips. It sent a thrill down my spine. His eyes found mine again.

“Yes.” He pulled the towel from his hips, letting it flutter to the floor. “I believe I do.”

Heat pooled in my belly at the sight of his naked body. And I momentarily forgot what I had been about to say as I dragged my gaze over the sharp ridges of his lethal muscles and down to his hard cock.Damn, maybe I should skip all this teasing and go straight to the part where he fucks my brains out.

Then Levi reached me, and I snapped back into the present.

Arching an eyebrow, I gave him a surprised look. “You’re not even going to try to smooth-talk your way out of this? Kneeling isn’t usually your style.”

“Normally, no.” He wrapped his hand around my jaw as he leaned closer. “But for you, spitfire, I will always kneel.”

A ripple went through my body. At his touch. At the look in his eyes. And most of all, at his words.

He flashed me a sly smile before drawing his hand down my throat. My skin prickled with pleasure as he caressed my collarbones before sliding his hand down my chest and stomach. And while his hand traveled lower, so did he.

His eyes, burning with lust, remained locked on mine as he slowly lowered himself to his knees before me. My heart skipped a beat.

“You like this, don’t you, spitfire?” he mused while drawing his hand over my hip and down my thigh. “Watching me kneel at your feet?”

“Yes,” I replied, my voice coming out breathless as he slipped his hand down to my inner thigh. I slid my fingers through his dark silken hair before drawing them along his strong jaw. “Almost as much as I like it when you dominate me.”

A sly smile played over his lips. “Almost?”

I held his gaze and grinned back. “Almost.”

He leaned down and kissed the inside of my thigh, making a shudder course through me. “Then I know exactly what I will do once I’m done atoning on my knees.”

Tilting my head back, I let out a moan.

Levi slid his hand around my thigh, towards the back of it, and then lifted my left leg up. I returned my gaze to him and slipped my hand back into his hair, gripping it harder for balance. His wicked mouth curved in a smile as he kissed the inside of my thigh again before draping my leg over his shoulder.

My breathing grew uneven.