“Good,” I said, keeping that edge of command in my voice. “And I want it public. Summon all your fancy people to the Main Square on the south side in one hour. We will sign the formal document there for everyone to see.”
“Fine,” she bit out.
“Well then, Parliament Member Nikita Dreary,” I said, using her proper title this time. “You have yourselves a deal.”
Several people let out whooshing breaths of relief. Most of the white boots along the walls, though, stared at me, and Eve, with contempt. I flashed them a smile that was sharp enough to make some of them flinch.
A ripple went through them all as I abruptly stood up. Eve and my top three did the same.
“One hour,” I said to the parliament members as I started towards the exit. “Don’t be late.”
Cool winds washed over me, filling my lungs with the scent of the river, as I stepped back out into the open air.
The moment we were outside, wide grins broke out on Shinji, Chris, and Tyler’s faces. Eve chuckled and shot me a knowing look.
“I want to hear you say please?” she said, echoing my words from inside. She let out another wicked chuckle. “Ah, the looks on their faces…”
A laugh spilled from my own lips as I lifted my shoulders in a show of mock innocence. “Half the fun of winning is rubbing it in people’s faces.”
Eve’s eyes glittered with mischief. But before she could say anything, we reached the spot where Anna and most of my other runners had been waiting.
“Spread the word.” I flashed them all a smile. “Anyone who wants to watch the parliament formally cede the south side to me, be at the Main Square in an hour.”
* * *
Apparently, most of south Malgrave wanted to watch that.
An hour after we left the bridge, the entire Main Square was so packed with people that I had to order some of my battle mages to clear a path to the raised dais so that the parliament members would even be able to get through.
Nervous-looking northsiders in fancy dresses and suits stood pressed together to the left of the dais. They formed a somewhat sizeable group, but the vast majority of the crowd was still from the south side. People watched from every window of the surrounding buildings and filled every side street leading towards the square.
I soaked in the excited buzz that hung over the entire area. It spread through me, making my soul thrum in response.
This was it.
This was the day I finally accomplished the feat I had spent over a decade working towards.
Sunset was close now. The slanting sun cast orange and red light across the city, glinting against the windows that had been thrown open and painting the buildings in rich colors. I drew in a deep breath.
Next to me, Eve brushed the back of her hand against mine. I glanced over at her. A smile ghosted over her lips before the serious mask returned to her face. Tyler, Shinji, and Chris were there on the platform with me as well. Though they were mostly keeping an eye on the crowd.
A ripple went through the sea of people, and they all turned towards the road to the left. I followed their gazes.
There, the parliament of Malgrave at last became visible. The twenty-five members walked with their backs straight and chins held high, but I could feel the tension radiating from them all the way across the square.
People turned to watch as they strode through the path that my battle mages had cleared. And for almost a minute, no one said anything. Then a feminine voice called across the dead silent square.
“Parliament Member Trinell! Good to see you again, sir. Should we meet up at our pleasure house tonight as usual?”
That broke the spell. Laughter spread through the crowd as the parliament member in question flushed a deep scarlet. I grinned. Damn, I fucking loved the south side.
More calls went out to other parliament members who had apparently also visited one of the many sinful establishments on this side of the river. They might act all high and mighty with their morals, but when it all came down to it, they were just as desperate to escape their boring lives as everyone else.
With a wicked smile on my mouth, I watched as they closed the final distance.
Nikita Dreary kept her chin raised as she strode onto the platform along with the other parliament members. Eve and my people backed up slightly, giving us room at the table that had been set up on the edge of the dais. Warmth spread through me at the gesture. Without me even having to say anything, Eve had understood that this was something I needed to do on my own.
The parliament members all squeezed in together on the right side of the table. From where I stood on the left, I ran mocking eyes over them.