Page 85 of Heartless Enemy

Stunned surprise and confusion flitted from face to face as the parliament tore themselves from their heated discussion and returned their attention to Levi. The constables kept their magic up, suspicion swirling in their eyes.

Levi just sat there on his chair like it was a throne, staring them all down with eyes like steel. “In all your years of hating me and hunting me and condemning everything I do, you seem to have forgotten the most fundamental truth about me.”

Hushed silence once again spread through the tent as the people who had been standing up settled down in their seats again. After a nod from Ulric, the constables let their magic fade out.

Once everyone had their attention firmly on Levi again, he swept his hard stare over them all before he continued.

“The mostimportantthing about me.” Then he paused, making sure that everyone was listening. “There is nothing I won’t do to get what I want. No lines I won’t cross.” His tone sharpened. “I want the south side and I am going to get it. How I get it is up to you.”

“But—” Dreary began.

“You either give it to me, and in exchange, I will protect you from White,” Levi interrupted. “Or I will join forces with White and then we will slaughter our way through the north side until the streets run red with blood and you’re on your knees begging for mercy and pleading for permission to surrender.”

She swallowed. Visibly.

“I don’t care one way or the other, because the end result is the same. I get the south side either way.” Levi swept merciless eyes over the now very pale-looking parliament members. “So, here is what it comes down to. I can either be your saving grace. Or your worst nightmare. Choose.”

Once again, everyone started talking all at once. I stifled a huff of amusement. Then I slid my gaze to Levi, and fire seared through my veins at the pure command that pulsed from his entire being. Fuck, he was so hot when he executed these kinds of power plays.

As if he could feel my gaze, Levi smirked but kept his eyes on the arguing parliament members.

“Quiet!” Dreary called, holding up her hands. She was on her feet now, trying to get a handle on the situation. “Quiet. We need to…” Trailing off, she turned to Levi. “Can we have a few minutes to discuss among ourselves?”

Levi flicked his wrist in a nonchalant motion that said,go ahead.

Dreary gave him a curt nod before turning to Ulric. “Chief Smith. Would you…?”

He immediately ordered the other constables to form a temporary barrier between us and the parliament members so that they could discuss more privately. I watched him, but he didn’t look in my direction. In fact, he hadn’t looked at me at all since that first pained look he had given me when I strolled inside the tent shoulder to shoulder with Levi Arden. Since he had personally vouched for me all these years, he no doubt wanted to put as much distance between us as possible now. Literally and metaphorically.

While Levi turned to say something to Tyler, I rose to my feet and drifted over to where Frank and Jamila were standing.

They tensed when I approached but didn’t summon magic. Ulric was still looking everywhere except in my direction. What a fool.

“You should sit down,” Jamila said when I stopped in front of her and Frank.

Ignoring her, I kept my eyes on Frank as I said, “Look, I know we’re on opposite sides now. Or I suppose we always have been, but now you know that we are.”

Frank’s pale brows furrowed, but he didn’t say anything.

“Anyway,” I continued. “You were there for me when I was demoted and reprimanded and you told me how you supported me against Captain Wright, so I just have one last bit of friendly advice.”

“Don’t show my face on the south side?” Frank said, a bite to his voice.

I chuckled softly. “No. In fact, you’re welcome to the south side anytime.”

He blinked in surprise, but before he could say anything, I went on. Though, I lowered my voice for this part. I could see Jamila listening in even though she was pretending to be uninterested in our conversation.

“In repayment for moments of unexpected kindness, my last advice to you is this… Watch your back around him.” I nodded towards Ulric. “You don’t know him like I do.”

Frank frowned in confusion. And both his and Jamila’s gaze darted towards Ulric.

While they were both looking in the other direction, I slipped back to my seat. Levi met my gaze when I returned, but said nothing. I sat down, shifting my attention back to the still arguing parliament members.

They kept that up for another few minutes before Nikita Dreary apparently had enough. With a quick word to Ulric, she ordered the constables back to their places by the wall so that we could once more see each other clearly. However, she didn’t sit down again.

“This is a very big decision to make,” she said, locking eyes with Levi. Frustration was evident on her face as she blew out a sharp breath. “And not one we can make just likethat.” She snapped her fingers to emphasize the point. Drawing herself up to her full height, she raised her chin. “We need some time to discuss and think this over. Privately.”

Levi pushed to his feet.