Eve let out an amused huff and then flicked her wrist. “Get out before I change my mind.”
They scrambled towards the door only to find me still blocking it. I stared them down for another moment before slowly stepping aside. Swallowing, they edged around me. Then they sprinted down the street. Shinji arched an eyebrow at me in silent question. I shook my head. If Eve wanted them alive, then there was no need to throw a fireball at them from behind.
A moment later, the white boot that Eve had knocked out with a lightning bolt jumped to his feet and sprinted out the door as well. I rolled my eyes but didn’t kill him either. Instead, I just slid my sword back in its scabbard.
“We’re heading back to the rendezvous point,” I said once he was gone. But I turned towards the sturdy wooden counter at the back of the tavern instead of the door. “First, I just need to do one more thing.”
Broken glass crunched underneath my boots as I strode across the ruined tavern until I reached the counter.
“Get up,” I ordered.
Another whimper came from behind the bar.
Two seconds passed.
Then an old woman with graying hair rose from where she had been hiding behind the counter. Her legs shook and her hands trembled even worse as she braced herself on the worn countertop while scanning the room. Tears streamed down her face as she took in the destruction.
“My tavern,” she pressed out, her voice breaking on the words. “My life’s work. Ruined.”
I ground my teeth. This was why I had wanted to avoid an all-out war on the south side. It was incredibly bad for business.
“How am I going to afford the repairs for…” She stared at the room, heartbreak clear on her face. “Forthis.”
“You’re not,” I said, keeping my voice full of authority. “You’re going to write up a list of everything that needs to be repaired, and then you’re going to send it to my Court. I will take care of it.”
Her eyes were round and her mouth dropped open as she turned to stare at me. “Y-you—”
“Tell the others to do the same.” Before she could answer, I stabbed a hand towards the door. “Now, you were supposed to have evacuated last night. Go there now. Before the white boots attack again.”
She blinked at me, her mouth working up and down as if she wanted to say something. But she did as commanded and stumbled around the counter. However, before continuing to the door, she stopped in front of me and clasped my hand in both of her wrinkled ones.
“Thank you, sir,” she said.
Warmth spread through my chest at the sincerity in her eyes, but I just jerked my chin down in a nod of acknowledgement. After all, I still had my reputation to maintain.
Once the old lady had left, I heaved a deep sigh and raked a hand through my hair. Small pieces of glass fell out, clinking down on the floor.
“Fucking hell,” I said to the ceiling.
Then I turned back to Eve.
The wicked little spitfire was grinning at me with a knowing look on her features.
I shot her a pointed look. “Not a word.”
She chuckled. “You really are such a softie.”
“What did I just tell you?”
“No idea. I never listen to you.”
“Don’t I know it.”
She laughed again while I let out a huff that was half amusement, half exasperation.
“Come on,” I said, starting towards the door. “We need to figure out why they retreated.”
We had only just walked across the threshold and reached Shinji when another person came sprinting up the street towards us. My hands drifted closer together before I realized that it was Anna, one of my runners.