Page 68 of Heartless Enemy

“I know. And that is the only reason why I, against my better judgement, allowed you to join the force.”

I drew back and blinked at him. “What does that mean?”

He flicked his hand impatiently. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have now been dismissed.”

“You can’t just dismiss me.” I threw out an arm in the direction of our department. “Ulric can vouch for me. He hasalwaysvouched for me.”

He slammed his hands down on the table again, making the pens clatter and a stack of documents topple. “That’s what I’m telling you! The only reason why you were allowed in here in the first place is because Smith vouched for you. But now, even his words and his good name can’t protect you anymore.”


“I always knew that you were trouble. Smith insisted that you could change. That you could become something better. But blood will out, as they say.”

Genuine shock whirled through me like a storm as I stared at Chief Anderson. For a moment, I couldn’t process his words. Then realization cleaved through the storm clouds inside me like a lightning bolt.

He knew.

Chief Anderson also knew the truth about me and my father. And he had known all along. Just like Ulric.

“When we became aware that we had a mole somewhere in here, in the back of my mind, I always thought it would turn out to be you,” Anderson continued. “But Ulric insisted that it was impossible. It would’ve fit, because of all your screw-ups with the Levi Arden operation, if we hadn’t actually found the real mole. So be glad that I don’t have you arrested as a dark mage accomplice, just because of your sheer incompetence, if nothing else.”

I almost laughed. Oh if he only knew.

“You thinkI’mcrooked?” I snorted and then let an insolent grin spread across my lips as I gave Anderson a highly dismissive once-over. “And yet you say time and again that Ulric has always vouched for me.” I clicked my tongue. “Oh well, your mistake.”

“I would bet my entire fortune that I’m right about you. That I have always been right about you.”

“Hmm.” I gave him a quick rise and fall of my eyebrows. “Interesting statement, given what that would mean for the rest of your worldview.” Spinning on my heel, I strolled towards the door while giving him a nonchalant wave with the back of my hand. “Well then, I wish you all the best of luck with your invasion, Chief Anderson.”

He blurted out curses and annoyed remarks about how I still needed to return the uniform, but I swore that there was now a hint of confusion in his voice too.

Slamming the door shut, I rolled my shoulders back and started towards the stairwell. Even though I hadn’t planned on getting fired today, I still somehow felt lighter than I had in years. It would have been better to have eyes inside the South Side Department for a little while longer, so that we would know exactly when the invasion was going to happen, but wehadconsidered that I might be fired after disappearing for a week. And we had still decided that it was worth the risk.

Drawing in a deep breath, I strode down the stairs with a wide smile on my face.

This was it.

My last tie to the north side had been severed.

Now, I could finally stop pretending to be someone I was not.

And just be me.


The tavern was packed with people, but all my attention was focused on one single person. Eve. There was a whole tangle of emotions on her features as she stood there quietly along the counter’s short side, taking it all in.

Pain flickered in her eyes as they drifted to a spot on the wooden floorboards about halfway to the door. And I suddenly had the distinct feeling thatthatwas where her father had died.

But then as she raised her eyes and swept them over the dark wooden tables and booths and the emerald green curtains by the windows, a wistful smile blew across her lips instead. As if she was recalling fond memories.

My heart tightened in my chest. When all this was over, I was going to ask her about that. About what her life had been like before everything went to hell.

Then she slid her gaze to the old man behind the counter who was still reading through the sales contract I had presented to him, and another emotion shone on her face instead. Excitement.

A smile ghosted across my mouth.Thiswas what Eve wanted to do. She wanted to run a tavern in the pulsing heart of Malgrave’s south side, surrounded by clinking glasses, thrumming music, and boisterous laughter. It suited her. I could sense her soul sparkling and could see the life burning in her eyes in a way that it never had when she wore that awful white leather uniform. That cursed piece of clothing had suppressed her entire soul, and if I never had to see it on her ever again, it would still be one time too many.

“This is…” the tavern owner began, looking up from the paper and meeting my gaze with wide eyes. “Averygenerous offer, Mr. Arden.”