Page 85 of The Skinny

Aithan’s back was to me, so he didn’t see my warning look. He plugged the sink and added soap as the water filled it. “I’m not sure it’ll happen.”

“Oh?” Mom asked, while pinning me with her stare.

He glanced at me. “Maeve burned Tobias badly. He has too many scars. I don’t think he can ever be what Zel wants him to be.”

I put turkey in the storage containers. “Why don’t we let Tobias make that decision?”

Aithan nodded. “I am. Just prepare yourself for disappointment, beautiful.”

* * *

“Which episode is this?” I asked Dad an hour later as I settled beside him on the TV room couch. He was watchingColumboreruns, of course.

“‘Lady in Waiting’,” he said.

“Ooo, is this the one where Susan Clark kills her overbearing brother?”

“Yup. It just started.”

“Good. This is one of the most underrated episodes.” I sipped apple tea while on the screen an auburn-haired woman snuck into her sleeping brother’s room and removed a key from his keyring.

“Punky, what was all that talk about you and a third fellow?”

Well, fuck.So much for the drama staying on the television. “It’s just talk. I was teasing Mom. Tobias is Aithan’s best friend. He’s a widower and a divorcé and going through a nasty custody dispute with his bitch ex-wife. I like him, but he’s just a friend.”For now, I added mentally. Dad did not need to know more.

He grunted while the brother argued with his sister about her “inappropriate” relationship with a lawyer. “Good. I think two is enough. You’ve got two terrific guys now. Don’t spoil a good thing by getting greedy.”

“Greedy? Really, Dad?”

He looked at me, his Serious Dad expression firmly in place. “Really.”

“I don’t have a greedy bone in my body.” I kissed his cheek.

“There you are.” Aithan wandered into the room and glanced at the TV. “Columbo? Which episode?”

“‘Lady in Waiting’,” I replied, “with Susan Clark.”

“Oh, yes, this one is great.” He settled next to me, arm around my shoulder, a kiss against my temple.

“Is Drew writing?” I asked.

“Yeah. We won’t see him until tomorrow.”

Dad glanced over. “He writes all night?”

“He writes for days on end,” I said. “Today probably stirred up some demons. Writing is his way of coping.”

“Ah. Sorry to hear that.” Dad nodded at the screen and we turned our attention to Lieutenant Columbo’s arrival on the scene.

That would be the end of the conversation. Dad wouldn’t pry. I wouldn’t offer more details. I snuggled against Aithan, sipped tea, and enjoyed watching the sister’s story unravel.



A week later,Tobias and Candace were over for our usual Friday night dinner when she told us Tristan had moved out the day after Thanksgiving.

“He went up to Whatcom County. Totally came clean with me before he left.” She glanced at me.