Page 79 of The Skinny

“We don’t have to stand here and take this crap,” Greer said.

“Fine,” Aithan replied. “Go inside, twat. I’ll deal with you later.”

“I’lldeal with her.” My father’s voice boomed between the houses. “Get your little butt in the house, Greer. And you, sir, are not welcome here. After Aithan finishes chewing you a new asshole, get the hell off my property.”

“Daddy,” Greer whined.

“Now, girl.”

“Oh, shit,” Drew said. “Poppa Hob ispissed.”

That was exactly what I needed: Aithan’s outrage, my father’s fury, and Drew’s snark. I started laughing. Well, laugh-crying really. “Oooh, she’s in so much trouble,” I said and hiccupped.

Drew started laughing, too. His arms encasing me, his laughter rumbled through my body and eased the ache in my gut.

“You dumb son-of-a-bitch.” Clearly, Aithan saw no humor in this craptastic situation.

“Maybe you should save Tristan from him,” I murmured.

“No, Zel, no. I should not go out there.” Drew’s voice had gone ice cold. He lifted my chin so our eyes met. “Aithan is saving him from me.” His expression had turned from amused to intense in a blink. He would hurt Tristan for me. Hurt him, maybe kill him, and sacrifice himself to protect me.

I stood and wrapped my arms around him. “Don’t. Don’t ever lose yourself for me. Please.” Trembling, I pressed my face against his neck, my body against his. “Promise you’ll never do that.”

I don’t know how I knew he was deadly, but in that moment, I didn’t doubt it. And Drew didn’t deny it. Maybe it was the books he wrote. Maybe the life he’d led. Whatever it was, Drew Quarrel Katterman was far more dangerous than Aithan, and somehow Aithan had known that.

He held me and whispered, “Brick, I love you.”

“I love you, too. That’s why I need you to promise me. Drew, I can’t stand to lose you. It would destroy me.” Desperation ripped through me, spiking pain in my chest and gut again.

His arms tightened. “I promise I’ll do whatever I can to avoid making that choice. But I love you, Zel.” He searched my face. “I love you too much.”

I closed my eyes and held onto him, afraid if I let go, I might lose him.

“Fuck,” Aithan said from the driveway. It had started pouring. Rain drummed on the roofs and driveway, shushed through the trees surrounding the house. “Keep away from Zel. Look at her funny and I’ll snap you in half.”

“Jesus, Aithan,” Tristan said.

“No. We’re done. You’re fucking dead to me, asshole.”

Shit. My guys hid their rage well. I looked out the window. Aithan strode toward the guesthouse, his expression thunderous, his movements tight.Come back to me,I thought.Walk away from this.

Tristan stared at Aithan. “So that’s it?” he called. “You’re turning your back on me as easily as Zel did?”

Aithan stopped, and even from the upstairs window the growing darkness of his mood was obvious to me.

“Oh, shit.” I tore free of Drew and ran for the stairs, reaching the front door and yanking it open just as Aithan turned back toward Tristan. Drew was right behind me. “No,” I choked out. “You promised.” I stopped him from following with a hand on his chest. He couldn’t get near Tristan. His hatred of my ex had deep roots.

Drew’s icy stare pinned Tristan, but he nodded and stopped on the threshold.

“What?” Aithan asked Tristan, his voice cold and sharp. “You fucking wantmorefrom me? You honestly have shit for brains?” He started back toward his former employee.

“Aithan.” I ran through the downpour. “Don’t.” I put myself between him and Tristan, grabbed his arm and looked up at him, blinking rain from my eyes. “Stop. Please. He’s not worth it.”

He covered my hand with his. “But you are.”

Dammit. He and Drew were on the same page, but this one told a terrifying story. So I answered him the way I had Drew. “No. I won’t let Tristan and Greer take you from me like that.” I pressed against him. “I can’t lose you. Iwon’t.” Taking his hand, I pulled him toward the guesthouse. “Walk away, Aithan.Please.”

Reluctantly, he followed.