Page 51 of The Skinny

“Oh. My. God.”

“And in the summer — With all the windows open? — nights get downright enlightening.”

Drew was laughing so hard he’d slumped over sideways in the back seat.

“All I’m saying is that if we were going tomyparents’ place, I’d know where the handcuffs are.” Aithan shrugged again, smirking.

I held my hands up, fingers splayed. “How am I gonna keep a straight face when I meet your parents now?”

His smile softened. “No secrets and no shame in the Mazur household.”

Drew went quiet at that. “Fuck, I envy you,” he said, all humor gone.

Aithan glanced at him in the rearview mirror. “Me? You’re the one with so much money we could stuff our mattress with it and still have plenty to roll in.”

Drew gazed out the window, his lips pursed. “Money’s nice to have, yeah. I know that. Shit, I’ve been so poor I ate garbage. But I’d give up every penny in a heartbeat if I could have your childhood instead of mine.”



We got lostin our own thoughts, probably trying not to think about the horrors of Drew’s childhood. At least that’s what I was doing.

The clouds closed ranks and released a steady downpour as we escaped Everett and passed two fender-benders. Aithan’s fingers kept rhythm to the music on the radio. Drew’s tapped away on his keyboard.

“Brick, turn around.”

I turned in my seat to peer over my shoulder at him. He took my picture with his phone and grinned. “You’re so fucking photogenic.”

I made a face. “Don’t think so.”

“Do think so.”

“He’s right,” Aithan remarked. “Just accept it.” He glanced at me then returned his gaze to the road. “Weseeyou, Zel. You don’t. Remember?”

“Can I post this, babe?” Drew asked me.

“Yeah, I guess I gotta get used to my face being online.”

“Yup. Man, you got wide shoulders, Aith,” Drew muttered. “Makes it hard to crop you out.”

I caressed Aithan’s biceps. “Good for leaning on.” I had a deep appreciation for the man’s physique. And a visceral reaction to him that was pure, primal lust.

“Why’re you removing me from the picture?”

It was hard to tell how Aith felt about that from his tone, but he seemed annoyed.

“Why?” Drew looked up. “Privacy, dude. I’ve got half-a-million followers. Didn’t think it was right to out you.”

“Didn’t think to ask?” Aithan replied. “You asked Zel.”

Drew was quiet for a moment. “Shit, man, you’re right. I fucked up and decided for you. Again.” Grimacing, he shook his head. “Dammit. I keep doing that. I’m sorry, little brother.”

Aithan grinned. “Apology accepted. I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m not ashamed of my relationship. It’s unconventional. That’s all. I’m not hiding it, especially not from half-a-million like-minded pervs.” I giggled at that. He added, “But if you call me Dink, I will punch you.”

Drew laughed. “Ha! Please don’t hit me. You’ll break me in half.” He raised his phone and took another picture. “Aw, look at that. That’s even better than the first one.” He turned the phone to show me a picture of Aithan’s handsome one-quarter profile and me in full profile, gazing at him with absolute adoration. It really was a good pic.

Drew turned the phone back. He typed and talked as he posted the photo across his social media accounts. “With Zel and Aithan. Getting ready for Thanksgiving with her folks.” He took a selfie, close up, his eyes behind aviators and his smile toothy. He posted that too. “Nervous. What if Mom and Dad hate us?” He lowered his phone. “I’ve narrowed the bed choices down to three.”