Page 34 of The Skinny

Nice, Drew thought,right through his bullshit.

Tristan fiddled with his empty cup. “There’s something I gotta tell you.”

“Obviously. Spit it out.”

He sighed. “Fine. You know that day you came to my house with Aithan?”

“Yeah. You were in super son-of-a-bitch mode.”

He closed his eyes and rolled his head on his shoulders. “Yeah, okay, that’s fair.”

“I know it is.”

Drew loved this. Zel kept tightening the screws and Tristan was squirming under the pressure.

“Anyway. I got pretty shit-faced that night and, uh, called Jack to bitch about Aithan making moves on you.”

She touched her throat and looked baffled. “Okay?”

“Begby was on the call, too. I can’t really remember what we talked about, but,” he swallowed and finished in a rush, “I think they took it as an invitation to fuck up Aithan.”

Zelda’s jaw dropped and she looked around like she was searching for answers. She exhaled a harsh breath. “Jack and Begby? Of all the rotten assholes you know, you had to callthem?”

Tristan ran his hands through his hair. “I know! I know. I fucked up. But I needed to vent tosomeone. My first choice wasn’t available. Candace was still pissed off at me. So I just — fuck, I don’t know, Zel — fell back on habit.”

“But why not your mother? You do still talk to her sometimes. Remember?”

“I couldn’t bitch to her about you. All I’d get was a lecture because she’s ‘trying to make up for lost time’ or some bullshit like that. Besides, I told you I was fucking drunk. It’s not like I wasthinkingat the time.”

Do you ever?Drew wondered. The dude’s brain was smaller than a squirrel’s left nut.

Zel blew out another harsh breath. “Have you told the police?”

“Yeah. Detective Kevlin knows.” He shook his head. “Shit. I’ll feel like an asshole if they didn’t do it, and I’ll feel like a bigger one if they did.”

Yep, asshole no matter what,Drew mused.’Bout time you figured that out.

Zel’s lips pressed into a hard line as her gaze wandered to Drew. He slid his leg up against hers beneath the table.

“Fuck.” She shook her head and looked at her ex. “Think they’ll come after you, Tris?”

Drew was completely okay with that. Let him enjoy the fruits of their labor the way Aithan had for the past five weeks.

Tristan shook his head but didn’t sound completely confident when he said, “Doubt it. If there’re no charges, then there’s no point in coming all the way down here to fuck me up.”

Zel scowled. “Except you think they came all the way down here just to fuck up Aithan, whom they’d never even met.”

He shook his head again. “I don’t know, Zel. Kevlin said he’ll contact me after he interviews them. I guess if they get arrested, I will too.”

Drew suppressed a smile at that.Serves you right, motherfucker.

“Why?” she asked. “You didn’t ask them to do it. You didn’t pay them. Right?”

“No! Fuck no, but it wouldn’t’ve happened if I hadn’t called them to bitch.”

“There’s nothing illegal about complaining to old friends about your ex,” Brick replied.

Tristan slumped in his chair. “They’ll probably try to drag me down with them anyway. Lie about it. Say I put ’em up to it.”