Page 21 of The Skinny

Drew grinned. “They’re fucking amazing.”

“You got one?”

He tapped his chest. “Royal taste tester.”

The front door thudded. A moment later Zel appeared on the stairs, reading a message on her phone. She glanced up and smiled at Aithan. “I didn’t hear you come home. What did the doctor say?” She kissed him as she came into the kitchen.

“No flying yet. Maybe by the end of December.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

She pouted and Aithan fixated on her mouth. Damn, she was beautiful. Luscious lips, wide blue-green eyes framed by long lashes, wild chestnut brown curls that swayed around her shoulders, and curves that didn’t quit. How could she not see how gorgeous she was?

He shrugged. “Just gotta roll with it.”

“Does that mean you’ll come to Bellingham with Drew and me?” Her parents had extended an invitation for all of them to stay at their house over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Aithan leaned against the kitchen counter. “Do you want me to?” He knew the answer was yes, but he wanted to hear it from her.

“Yes. But I won’t be angry if you’re not comfortable being trapped with my family.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Don’t feel obligated.”

“No, no,” Drew said from the sofa, his face hidden behind his computer screen. “Feel obligated. I need backup and someone to extract me when her dad corners me to talk intellectual property law.”

Aithan laughed. “I’m your man, then.” He brushed his lips across Zel’s brow. She smelled delicious, like apples and cinnamon and the vanilla conditioner she left in her hair.

Drew paused in typing to give him a thumbs up then returned to writing without slowing.

Zelda leaned against Aithan, typing a message on her phone. She looked up. “We’ll get the guesthouse, since there’s three of us.”

“That’s tolerant of them,” he remarked.

She wasn’t just beautiful; she was sexy too. Her intoxicating voice slid across his nerves like velvet. And when she laughed, moaned, sighed? Those nerves stood up and whimpered for more. Her body swayed in the most hypnotic way when she walked, hips one way, breasts another, an effortlessly sultry dance that pulled him to her, moth to flame, magnet to metal.

“Tolerant? Why do you say that?” she asked.

“The parents of my previous girlfriends always split us up when we stayed overnight.”

She laughed. “My parents know that’s pointless.”

“Especially with pervs like us,” Drew remarked.

“You’re the perv,” Zel replied. “Aithan is wholesome. Remember?”

“Oh, yeah,” he said and laughed, then added, “Sucks to be you, man. You can only fall in their eyes.”

“Ouch,” Aithan replied.

“Whereas I’m already a lost cause.”

“You can fall on your face with them, too,” Zel pointed out. “Don’t fool yourself, Playboy.”

Aithan laughed. He snaked his arm around her waist, pressed his hand against her belly, and pulled her against him, anticipating the excitement in her eyes when her told her about the STD tests.

The doorbell rang.

She kissed him and slipped away to run downstairs. A moment later, Tobias’s voice drifted up the stairs, followed by Candy’s. Aithan made a little disgruntled noise in the back of his throat. He’d forgotten they were coming over for dinner. His news would have to wait.

Drew closed his computer and got up from the sofa. “Hey. What’s up?”