Page 14 of The Skinny

“The tired part, yes. The wit’s end part is this book.”

“Can you take the day off?”

“No. I don’t want to lose what little momentum I’ve got on this. I guess I just needed to vent. I don’t want to do that to Aithan because he’s still healing and dealing with a lot of shit. And Drew …is still a client, ya know?”

“I understand completely. Best not to complain to clients. Ever. That’s what I’m here for. But what happened to your Spartan?”

“Oh, he was mugged leaving the gym late at night a few weeks ago. Put him in the hospital. He’s just well enough to go back to work this week. They trashed his SUV, stole his phone and wallet. It’s been a huge mess.”

“Good lord. That must’ve been a big attacker to put him down based on your description.”

“Well, it was pitch black in the parking lot and they beat him with some sort of baton. It was fucking awful.”

“Honey, I didn’t know that was going on. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because work kept me busy and distracted. It’s not like you could do anything.”

“I suppose that’s true, but I can always renegotiate deadlines for you. Remember that.”

“I will.”

“I’m glad he’s on the mend.”

“Yeah, me too. He’s one of the nicest guys in the world. Shirt-off-his-back nice, you know?”

“Sounds like a keeper.”

“Oh, I’m definitely keeping him.”

“Would you share Drew?”

I laughed. “Only if he asked me to. Would your hubby?”

“Lord no. He doesn’t even like me window shopping, if you know what I mean.”

We both laughed, and I said, “You’ve got a good one, too, Holly, and you know it.”

“I do. I love the lug.”

After I got off the phone, I went back to the sound booth, donned my headphones, and took a long drink from the Blue Water Fitness bottle I’d stolen from Aithan. I ran my fingers over the BWF wave logo and smiled.

As if hearing my thoughts, a message from him chimed my phone.

Fuck.Iwastired. I’d forgotten to turn off the ringer. Good way to ruin a recording.

Hey, beautiful, u awake?

Yeah. Just about to do some recording. U feeling OK? Not too tired after staying up w/ me?

Nah, I’m good. Taking it easy — scheduling & paperwork today. I finally got word from the auto insurance on my settlement. They covered the rest of the payments. I’ll walk away with a little extra to put down on a new ride.

That’s awesome! And a relief.

Definitely. How’re u feeling?

Meh. Drew fed the cats, so I could sleep in. Got up around 9. Showered, had some tea, not hungry, & really effing stiff.

Make time for a nap. I’ve learned to love them lately.