Page 89 of The Skinny

We continued to chat about the snow and Christmas plans, Drew’s house and what I’d do with the townhouse. I found the sheets and blankets while I talked and pulled two pillows from storage. Finally, I glanced at the clock. Almost seven-thirty. “I gotta go, Mom. Way past time to figure out dinner.”

“Me too, honey. Glad you’re feeling alright. Give my love to Aithan and Drew.”

“I will. Hug Dad for me.”

“Okay. Bye, honey.”

“Bye, Mom.” I hung up.

Wow. She’d really taken to the guys. I smiled and headed into the hallway with an armful of bedding. Halfway down the stairs, I heard my name and paused. Drew, Aithan, and Tobias were laughing and drinking and talking smack. I sat on the stairs and listened, hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter ’cause they were drunk and hilarious. I loved hearing my guys connecting like this, and having Tobias relax and open up a bit made it even better.

Leaning against the wall, I picked lint off the carpet and made a little pile of it on my black leggings.

Tobias. I sighed.

Aithan was right. He wasn’t ready to be involved with anyone. He didn’t need that complication in his life. The best thing I could do for him was to be his friend with no strings attached. Maybe more would evolve. Maybe not. I needed to be okay with it going either way.



They played drinking games,making shit up as they went and getting seriously trashed as late afternoon gray dimmed to evening darkness. Aithan had produced three shot glasses and two bottles of vodka, some Polish shit from his German father that kicked like a draft horse.

They’d already finished one bottle, and Drew hadn’t been this buzzed in years. He raised his hands to get Tobias’s and Aith’s attention. “Okay. Okay-okay-okay. O-kay.” It was his turn to come up with a game. “In one word, describe Zel.” He pointed at Aithan. “Go!”

“Voluptuous.” The booze had loosened his tongue and lowered his guard.

Drew nodded. “Rubenesque.”

Tobias looked down. “Sexy.”

Drew waved his hand to encourage them. “Keep going.”

It was Aithan’s turn. “Fun.”


“Generous,” Tobias added.

Aithan nodded. “Smart.”

Drew thought for a minute and proclaimed, “Kinky.”

Tobias gawked at him. “Kinky?”

“Ah-ha! Drink,glupku!” Aithan laughed and jostled his friend.

Drew grinned like the devil. “Definitely kinky.”

“Man, you’re all kinky,” Tobias said after he downed a shot, grimaced, and chased it with the last of his beer. “Group sex and stuff. Damn. I don’t know how you can do that.”

“Do what?” Drew asked and eyed his beer bottle. It was empty and he felt betrayed.

“Fuck her with another — each other — guy in the room.”

Aithan knocked back another shot while jabbing a wavering finger at him. “You lying sk-suk-skyn, fuck. You lying liar.”

Tobias was laughing so hard he was crying. “You owe Babcia so much money, fucker!”