Page 77 of The Skinny

Aithan laughed. “You’re a totalglupekand you know it.”

“Yeah, I do. I also know I need you to do something for me.”

“Oh?” Aithan hadn’t expected that. “Name it.”

“I wasn’t exaggerating about dealing with C-PTSD all day, every day. I work damn hard to keep myself in check. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t inherit some serious darkness from my dad. It’s in there. I’ve seen it once. Don’t ever want to see it again.”

“What’re you saying?”

Drew stopped and met Aithan’s gaze, dead serious. “Keep me away from Tristan Blaylock.”



The house wasquiet when I returned to Mom’s kitchen. “Where is everybody?” I shivered and rubbed my arms.Crap.I swear it’d gotten colder in the thirty minutes I was showering and dressing. The thin burgundy sweater I wore wasn’t getting the job done.

“Dad’s in the TV room. Greer went to see another friend. And Aithan and Drew are outside.” Mom was cutting the sweet potato biscuit dough I’d brought and laying each biscuit on a baking sheet. She already had the galette in the lower oven and the smell of baked pears mingled with the lingering scents of coffee and bacon.

“Outside? Did you put them to work?”

She laughed. “Well, I did mention tomorrow was garbage and recycling pickup.”

“Mom! They’re guests!”

“Mmm-hmm. If they’re with one of my girls, they’re free labor for me.” She giggled at my expression.

“Oh my God. I’m gonna grab a heavier sweater and tell them to come inside and ignore you.”

“No-no-no! I have more jobs for them!” She laughed as I left the kitchen.

I crossed the driveway back to the guesthouse. In the upstairs bedroom, I looked around and spied my new teal cardigan on the window seat.

The guys’ voices carried faintly from below as they walked down the driveway. They were sexy as hell. Drew with his tats and his wicked grin. Aithan with his chiseled body and angelic smile. I opened the window and leaned on the sill. “I’m so thankful,” I called down to them.

“For what?” Aithan asked as they stopped below the window.

“The two of you, silly.”

They grinned and, I swear to God, if they fucked me right then I’d have twins ’cause I’m sure both my ovaries fired off eggs at light-speed.

Tires splashed through puddles on the wet driveway. Greer’s car came into view around the curve of trees. She pulled up and parked in the spillover parking beside the garage, then got out and went around to the passenger side. Someone was with her, hidden from my view. They opened the door but didn’t get out. She stood talking to them, then leaned down like they were kissing. “Theo came?” I murmured. That had to be good, right?

“Hey, babe?” Drew asked. “We’re going back to help your mom with a few things.”

“Oh, no. I told that woman you arenotfree labor. Wait. I’ll come down and defend you from the taskmaster.”

They laughed, but as I reached up to close the window, I glanced back at Greer’s car. She’d convinced her companion to get out. She held his arm and smiled up at him like a fawning bitch.

But he wasn’t Theo.

He was Tristan, and he stood rooted to the spot, staring up at me.

Greer’s Mistake Number One.

Aithan’s deep voice carried up to me. “I’ll handle this.”

“And I will cut off his balls.” Drew sounded dead calm, like what he really meant was he’d open Tristan from nuts to nose. He looked up at me and his expression was even deadlier than his voice.