Page 56 of The Skinny

“Oh, I am. Don’t worry. Might even increase my hourly since I have to put up with so much of the author’s bullshit.”

Aithan chuckled.

“That’s my girl,” Dad said.

He led us inside the house through an expanse of floor-to-ceiling windows and doors that opened the entire backside of the house to the bay.

“This is Dad’s favorite part of meeting people,” I explained.

“Zelda,” Dad grumbled, but I tugged his arm playfully.

“It’s a beautiful house,” Aithan replied. “I’d show off all its finer points too, if I owned it.”

Dad nodded. “There. See, Punky? Aithan appreciates what hard work can do for you.” He leaned close. “Just as much as you do.”

“I know he does. He grew Blue Water Fitness from a failing business to one that thrives.”

“Is that right?” Dad trained his eagle eyes on Aithan.

“The former owner was bankrupt when I purchased the space and equipment during my last undergrad year.”

“Before graduating? Gutsy move.”

“Yes and no. I have degrees in business admin and PT, and a Master of Science in Kinesiology. The gym was exactly what I wanted and the price was more than fair.”

“PT?” Dad asked.

“Physical therapy.”

Dad nodded. “Impressive. All while rebuilding a business?”

Aithan tilted his head. “Yeah. Those first two years with Blue Water were exhausting. But now the place runs itself and the community there is terrific.”

Dad nodded sagely, which meant Aith had impressed him. “Everything went smoothly while you were out of commission?”

“It did. Juan, my gym manager, is as capable as they come.”

“Good help is worth every penny you pay for it, eh?” Dad led us through the dining room — where Mom had already set out the flowers — and into the kitchen.

My parents had furnished their house with an eclectic mix of antique and modern furniture. Everything was white or gray or wood with punches of color in the art on the walls and the rugs. My mother’s taste obviously had influenced mine.

“I wonder what your mother’s done with Drew,” Dad muttered.

“I warned the guys she’d put them to work,” I said.

“And I told her to give both you fellas a break. You’re on vacation, for Christ’s sake.” We wandered into the living room and Dad gestured for us to sit. “How’s your recovery going? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Not at all.” Aithan sat on the white leather sofa, and I curled up beside him, kicking off my boots. He put his arm around me and I was damn glad of it. Dad didn’t intimidate him. That would score him big points with both my parents. “I’ll likely be cleared to fly by Christmas. Meanwhile, I’m focusing on proper breathing and rebuilding the core muscles that took a beating.”

Dad nodded. “I heard it was pretty rough. Glad to see you’re out and about. Zelda thinks a lot of you and that’s saying something. She’s pretty finicky about the fellas she brings around to meet us.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Dad.” I sniffed. “The last one turned out to be a turd.”

“I understand Tristan works for you?” Dad asked Aithan, his tone taking on a sharp edge.

“He does. He’s a better trainer than he is a boyfriend, it seems.”

My dad laughed loudly, surprising me. “So it does.” But he sobered just a quickly. “Is it wise to keep him on staff?”