Page 36 of The Skinny

“Pretty fucking sure he doesn’t read my books and I know he’s not following me on social media. I checked.”

“You did? Why?”

“To block him if he was.”


Drew sipped his coffee. “It’s just … weird.” Another sip and he lowered the cup. “It’s out of place, you know?” She shook her head. “Well, I notice those kinds of things. When shit doesn’t add up or something doesn’t fit the pattern. Douche Canoe is a self-absorbed motherfucker. He went ballistic when he found out you were dating Aithan, but he doesn’t bat a fucking eyelash when you show up with Boyfriend Number Two? It annoyed him that you brought me, but it didn’t surprise him that my hands were on you. That doesn’t make sense.”

“I don’t know.” She sipped her tea.

“Aithan wouldn’t talk about it with him.”

“Definitely not. I’m sure he’s careful not to bring me up in conversation at Blue Water.” She gasped and looked up at nothing. “Wait a minute.” She pulled out her phone, scrolled through messages, and stopped on one. “I told him you were staying at the townhouse back in October.”

“You think he jumped to conclusions back then? That seems doubtful.”

“No. But it’s weird that he didn’t seem surprised then either.”

Drew scowled. “What’s up with that?”

“I don’t know.”

Drew shook his head. “That shit’s gonna bug me ’til I figure it out.”

“Don’t waste your brain cells on him, okay?”

He tapped the back of his head. “It’ll simmer back here until an answer pops up.”

Brick sighed. “I kinda wish Aithan had told me.”

“But you can see why he didn’t, can’t you?”

“Yeah, of course. This was Tristan’s fuck-up and he needed to own it.” She sipped more tea. “But it had to have messed with Aithan’s head, and he hid that from us, you know?”

“Oh, he’s swallowing a ton of frustration and anxiety these days. And not being able to work it out physically is just making it worse.” Drew covered her hand with his. She had a pianist’s hands — long fingers and a slender palm, nails she rarely painted. He liked that she didn’t overuse warpaint. “Babe, a blow up is coming. You know that, right? Aithan is gonna lose his shit very soon.”

She nodded. “I think so too, and I don’t know how to prevent it.”

“Not your job. He’s gotta find a way to vent his stress. What youcando is tell him you know he’s under pressure.”

“We’ve talked.” She looked around the coffeehouse. Drew got the impression that there was more she wanted to say.

She lowered her cup and angled her body toward him. “You’re part of his struggle. You realize that, right?” She spoke carefully, like she was afraid she’d offend him.

“Yeah, I know.” Drew leaned forward and brushed a light kiss across her lips, seeking to reassure her. “I overstepped with the medical bills and I’ve sucked at being available for training.” He looked down and nodded. “I’ll do better. I know he needs to find even footing with me. But I’m not gonna apologize for my income or how I use it. I spent the first fourteen years of my life apologizing for everything, including existing. I won’t ever do that again. I don’t consider myself above Aithan, not by a long shot. The guy’s got the high ground in every way but money. Also, he’s an unfairly good-looking motherfucker.” Drew wiped mock tears from his eyes. “He should consider the feelings of homely, old dudes like me.”

She laughed. “You are anything but homely.”

“So you’re saying I’m old?”

She shrugged then giggled when he scowled at her.

“Ohh, wait a minute,” Drew murmured, “maybe you like mebecauseI’m old. Got a daddy dom/little girl kink? Hmm?” He waggled his brows at her.

Zelda’s giggles turned into a deep, sexy laugh. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you old perv?”

“If it involves spanking and you wearing a schoolgirl uniform with four-inch stilettos? Hell yes.”