Page 114 of The Skinny

I gasped and grabbed the shower wall, nearly slipping. “Shit!” Drew stood outside the shower, clad in jeans and holding a T-shirt.

He yanked open the door and snagged my waist to steady me. “I’m sorry, babe. You okay? I thought you heard me come into the bathroom.”

“No.” With my hand pressed to my chest, I shook my head, panting, trembling. “You scared the crap outta me.”

He stepped into the shower and wrapped his arms around me. “Shh, slow your breathing, babe.”

I rested my cheek on his shoulder and let him hold me. “Your jeans are getting soaked.”

“Yeah, that’s okay. I need a shower anyway. You got me pretty filthy.”

I shook my head. “No, you came that way.”

His laughter rumbled through me. “Yeah, I did.”

Aithan wandered into the bathroom, shamelessly naked and scratching his very cute, very tight ass. “Why are you showering with your clothes on?” He went into the water closet.

“I scared Zel.”

The toilet flushed. Aithan returned wearing his boxer briefs. He looked confused. “Thought you were gonna ask about going for a walk.”

“I did. She didn’t hear me come in.”

“He scared the ever-loving piss outta me.”

“Dude, you gotta make more noise. Especially in this big ole house. You’re gonna give Zel a heart attack or get punched in the face by me if you keep going around in stealth mode.”

Drew grimaced sheepishly. “Can’t help it.”

I turned off the water, stepped from the shower, and wrapped myself in a yellow bath sheet. “Whyareyou so quiet?”

He struggled out of his wet jeans and caught the towel Aithan tossed him. “To avoid my dad’s notice.”

That was all he had to say. We understood the rest.

“Maybe we should put a bell around your neck,” Aithan said and I cracked up.

Drew stared at him, open-mouthed and at a loss. “What? Like a fucking cat?”

“Exactly.” Aithan pointed at his own neck. “Big fat bell. On a gold chain.”

Drew grinned. “Hey, yeah. Gonna get me a big-ass chain with my portrait made of diamonds and gold.”

“It’s supposed to be a bell,” I pointed out.

“It’ll have my tongue hanging out, wagging back and forth to announce my glorious arrival.” He opened wide like he was seeing the doctor.

Aithan considered him for a long moment. “Beautiful, I may be wrong about this, but I think Drew’s a little mad.”

“‘Oh, he can’t help that,’” I said with a playful British accent. “‘We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’”

Playing along, Drew said, “‘How do you know I’m mad?’”

I gave him a Cheshire Cat grin. “‘You must be, or you wouldn’t have come.’”

Aithan laughed. “Did you narrate that?”

“Sadly, no, but I played the Queen of Hearts in the high school play during my junior year.”