Page 9 of Fatkini

He’s a stranger to ME ’cause u never let me go to BWF. Now I know why. Didn’t want the guys to see your chubby gf.

Whatever, Z.

Srsly? Do u have shit for brains?

Fuck u.

No thanks. I’m texting my dad to tell him it’s your fault if I end up dead in a ditch.


“Fuck.” I had fifteen minutes to get dressed and haul all the boxes downstairs.

The doorbell rang.

Aithan Mazur was early.


I yanked on a pair of sweats and shoved my feet into my shearling boots then ran downstairs. I went out on the second-floor balcony. A white Lexus SUV was parked in front of my garage.


The most godlike man I’d ever seen stepped back from my porch and looked up at the balcony.

“Good morning. You must be Zelda.” With that deep voice he even sounded heavenly. All my nerves sat up like hungry dogs and begged for more.

“Yeah, I just got Tristan’s text that you were coming here. Gimme a minute?”

“Sure. No rush. I’m running errands all morning, and my first client isn’t until one-thirty.”

“Thanks. I just rolled out of bed. Gotta text my dad to let him know who’s to blame if I end up dead because my jackass ex gave my house key to a stranger.”

He laughed. “Fair enough. Text Dad. Then let me know if you need help hauling boxes.”

I smiled. “Thanks. Be out in a few minutes.”

He saluted me with a blue travel mug.

I texted my dad, ’cause I wasn’t stupid, but Iwasparanoid. Then I put on a bra and a clean shirt and pulled my hair into a ponytail. It wasn’t the sexy look I would’ve chosen if I’d had fair warning that one of the Spartans from300would be at my front door, but I couldn’t leave Aithan waiting while I got gussied up.

“Fucking Tristan.” I descended to the first floor, opened the garage door, and carried out one of the lighter boxes.

Up close, Aithan was even more beautiful. He had the kind of thick dark hair women in romance novels always wanted to comb their fingers through – short on the sides, longer on top, and …. Yeah, okay, that trope was real.

He was taller than me by about six inches and chiseled, but not so bulked up that he couldn’t reach his own ass. He had fair skin and the kind of full lips that a girl could sink her teeth into. Five o’clock shadow defined his strong jaw, and thick eyelashes framed his sky-blue eyes.

He had a quiet, confident masculinity that was really fucking appealing after Tristan’s aggression and insecurity.

“Thanks for doing this. I hope Tristan is cleaning toilets to repay you.”

He put down his coffee and offered an easy smile as he opened the SUV’s hatch. “Nah. I just wanted him to stop moping.”

I bit my lip. “Sorry about that. Hopefully, he’ll get over this quickly.”

“Eh, he’s allowed to whine a little.” His grin was charmingly lopsided and formed a dimple on the right side of his cheek. The man was playing with a loaded deck, I swear. He added, “It helps that he’s a good group instructor, or I’d smack him and tell him to snap out of it.” He dug into his pocket. “Here’s your key. I swear I didn’t make a copy.”

I took it, trying to ignore the little thrill I got when his fingers brushed mine. “Thanks. I really did text my dad.”