Page 61 of Fatkini

And like the devil herself had heard me, my phone buzzed with a message from Greer.



I’m boarding the plane now. Pick me up in front of the Alaska terminal at 4:45.

No. I told u to stay downtown. I have company & I don’t want your help.

I growledand turned off my phone, leaving it on the kitchen counter. “God, she can’t take no for an answer.”

“Wait,” Candace said, “was that from your sister?”

“Yes. She has the most annoying timing.”

“Wow.” Tobias peered at my phone. “That’s kinda freaky.”

“Believe me, I know. She always shows up when I don’t want her in my business.”

“Family can be like that,” he said drily, and Aithan and Candace laughed.

She rested her cheek on her brother’s biceps. “Tobias is the youngest of five kids and the only boy. Just ask him about nosy sisters and no privacy.”

I shook my head sympathetically. “Oh, man, that musta been miserable when you were a teen.”

“Understatement.” He side-eyed his sister.

Her smile was evil. “We were cruel, it’s true.” Then she sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m just glad he listened when we told him Juju was the right woman for him.”

Tobias pulled a face and waggled his head. “You have your moments.” Then he returned her hug.

Aithan picked up my phone. “But that’s not why Zel’s wearing a bikini in her kitchen. Has Drew seen it on you?” I shook my head and tucked my hair behind my ears. He murmured, “You know he’d want to.”

I laughed, a little embarrassed. “No doubt.”

He held out the phone. “Why don’t you send him a pic?”

“I don’t know, Aithan.”

He caught my hand and placed the phone in it. “He’s nuts for you, beautiful, and this’ll get him on the next flight to Seattle.”

I laughed again. “Probably true.”

Candace said, “Zel, if this is the infamous fatkini, you need to buy more of them. I mean it, girl. You are killing it … and Aithan. And you’ll kill Drew if you send him a selfie.”

Aithan jerked his chin at Tobias. “You’re also slaying him.”

“Annnd that’s our cue to leave,” Tobias said as Candace and Aithan cracked up again.

“What?” I asked. “Why?” I really enjoyed talking with him and his sister.

Candace caught her brother’s arm. “I’m managing Scumwater tonight. I cover when Tobias is off. He promised to drive me over.” She nodded at the phone again. “You really should send a selfie to your other guy.”

“I’ll take it.” Aithan tilted his head, a soft, encouraging smile on his lips. “Whaddya say, Zel? Pic for Drew?”

I sucked in a slow breath. He was right. Drew would love the photo, and I needed to see myself in a new light. I had to find my spine if I wanted to hold on to these two amazing guys. I held out the phone to him. “Okay.”

“Yeah?” There was no denying the delight in his voice and on his face. The guy genuinely loved the way I looked in the fatkini.