Page 73 of Fatkini

“Why do I think we’ll end up in your next book?”

“Zelda, you’ve been in the last fourteen books. Every time Juno Galore gets some tail, I’m picturing you. Expect the sex to get steamier, babe, ’cause now I have the real deal for reference. It’s so much better than my imagination.”

“You keep going and this’ll turn into erotica.”

“Nah, too much plot. These chapters are approved and I’m signing off on the whole novel. Finish and send it over. My readers are gonna love this one.”

Bouncing in my spot, I felt giddy. “Sweet! Okay, I’ll finish up and have it to you tonight. Not much left to do. Thanks to you and Aithan, I’m feeling pretty effing good.”

“Youdofeel good, especially when I’m effing you.”

I got off the phone and happily edited the files. I uploaded the finished novel, sent Drew a link, and closed my computer. It felt amazing to finally have my groove back. I headed upstairs, took a quick shower, and debated between comfy and sexy pajamas.

Opting for comfy — they wouldn’t be on for long once Aithan came home — I plugged in my phone to charge then returned to the kitchen to brew a cup of tea. It was just after eleven-thirty, but I was a little too amped up to crawl into bed.

“Home,” I mused, realizing I’d thought of Aithan living here without hesitation. I let myself dream of Drew and Aithan with me. “Would you like two new daddies?” I asked Frank as he hopped up on the counter and shoved his face into my hand. I scratched his chin, smiling as his throat vibrated and his eyes closed in contentment. “You’re a sweet kitty, Frank, even if you do get a bit jealous.”

He bathed my hand then jumped down and went for a late-night snack.

I returned to musing about Drew and Aithan and some very naughty group activities.



Aithan lookedup as Juan knocked on his office doorframe. “I’m heading out, boss. You leaving soon? It’s eleven thirty-five.”

Glancing at the time on his phone, Aithan nodded. “Right behind you. Thanks, again, for handling Tristan this week.”

“Yeah, man, no problem. I hope the break does him some good.”

“Me, too.”

“You want me to wait for you?”

“Nah. Go ahead. You pulled a long day. Get some rest and come in late tomorrow. I’m gonna text Zelda, then head home.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow.”

“Yep. Goodnight.” Aithan closed the gym’s financial files and shut down his computer, then he texted Zel.

Looong day, beautiful, & I gotta be in early tomorrow. I’ll swing by your place tomorrow night, if that’s cool with u. Let me know. Gnight.

He almost added,I love you, but paused and sent the message as it was. He pocketed his phone, shut off the office light, and locked the door. Shouldering his duffel bag, he doubled-checked the front entrance lock then headed for the employee entrance and the back lot.

He liked Zelda more than any other woman he’d been with since college. She was so open and giving, and she made him want to open up and give back. She never seemed to be after anything from him, which was refreshing. The few women he’d dated over the last eight years had left him feeling like a hood ornament — a show of status. Or like a piece of man meat — brood stock to make and support their babies. None of them made him feel accepted or ... loved. Zelda did. She was strong but also vulnerable, smart, funny, and fun. And she was confident in her career. Her success made her sexy. Hell, so did her gorgeous body. The woman was a modern day Valkyrie.

Aithan smiled to himself. Maybe he really did love her. Maybe he needed to find the balls to admit that to himself and her.

And he was surprised that he didn’t mind sharing her with Drew. He really didn’t know the guy, but Zel obviously cared about him, and he seemed to be good for her. He definitely made Aithan step up his game when it came to sex.

“Nothing like a little healthy competition, I guess.” He laughed. Plus, he actually liked the idea of another man being around to take care of Zel; not that she needed a man. But Drew seemed like the kind of guy who would pamper her. And Aithan was sure Zelda Gordon needed more pampering in her life.

He set the gym alarm, turned off the last hall light, and stepped into a quiet, moonless night. He closed and locked Blue Water’s employee door, frowning up at the row of security lights. They weren’t on, and the back lot was pitch black. The lights should’ve been glaring back at him, illuminating the entire lot.

“Damn things.” He reached up to see if the bulb was loose on the main light above the door. If it burned out, the others didn’t work. It was a flawed design he kept meaning to have rewired.

Something hard slammed into the back of his head. Pain flared through his skull and down his left shoulder. He hit the wall then the ground, his head bouncing off both. More pain ripped through his ribs as a foot met his chest, again and again.