Page 46 of Fatkini

“I think he’s crazy about you and trying to figure out how to make this work with his East Coast life.”

I started to close the door but glanced down and saw a package tucked behind the planter on the stoop. I picked it up. “Well, crap. It’s for Tristan.”

“Why’d he have it shipped here?”

“Because the mail keeps getting stolen from his place. He had all his valuable items shipped here.”

“I’ll take it to work.”

I arched my brows at him. “And he’ll lose his shit. You don’t want that kind of scene at the gym.”

He grunted. “True.”

I closed the door and pulled my keys from my purse. “I’ll drive it over to his place.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“You will?” I stared at him. “Is that a good idea?”

“We’ll have to talk it out eventually and you’re right, it’s better if that conversation happens privately.”

“May as well rip off the bandage. Unless ….” I studied his expression, looking for any hint of hesitation.

Aithan cocked his head. “Unless?”

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, it’s messy, what with Tristan freaking out and me having another lover ….” I trailed off, afraid he’d take the out now that he had a chance and wasn’t under Drew’s scrutiny.

He cradled my face with his hands. “Unless nothing, Zel. I’m in this for as long as you’ll have me. And you’re right. Better I talk with Tristan privately—”

“Than in front of the entire gym,” I finished for him. I turned my face and kissed his palm.

Aithan pulled me against him and kissed me, running his tongue across my lower lip.

“Stop that unless you want me to need another shower.”

He chuckled. “Tempting, but let’s get this delivery over with.” He handed me my purse. “I promise to make you sweat later.”

“Mmm, you better keep that promise.”

He flashed that amazing smile of his. “I’ll drive, you text your dad.”

As we headed toward the Central District, I reread Tristan’s texts. Some were just general bitching, but several were meant to embarrass me and threaten my publishing contracts.

Do your mom and dad know what a slut you are, Deep Throat?

I’ve got video I bet they’d love to see.

Maybe I’ll sell it to PornViews.

Your agent would love to know about your new career, Skull Fucker. And those NY publishers you’re so proud of. Do you think they’ll like employing a porn star?

“Goddamn him.” I let the phone fall into my lap. “Why’s he being such a dick? He obviously never gave a crap about me, so why’s he being a jerk about me seeing other men?”

“Becauseyoudumpedhim.” Aithan drove over Portage Bay and exited the freeway. Traffic wasn’t too bad; we were just ahead of rush hour. “You took control from him, and if there’s one thing I know from working with Tristan it’s that he does not like to be out of control.”

I tapped my phone screen. “These messages tell me that’s exactly what’s happening. He’s losing control.”

Traffic stopped for a red light and Aithan looked at me. “Do you think he’s a threat?”