Page 38 of Fatkini

“You need more sexy shoes,” he’d remarked while sorting most of the ones I owned into a pile beside the door for the Goodwill. “You’ve got legs going on forever, Zel, but no one knows it ’cause you don’t flaunt what nature and your momma gave you.”

I’d laughed. “My momma’s itty-bitty. I got my height and curves from my Dad. All the women on that side of the family are Amazons.”

“Remind me to thank that man,” Drew had said.

Now, Aithan leaned across the table. “You’re killing me with that dress,” he said, proving Drew’s fashion sense was far better than mine.

“Because you like it or because I look like Columbo?”

“You look nothing like Columbo.” He laughed. “Oh, man, I love that show. Peter Falk was an amazing actor.”

I grinned. “I know, right? It’s one of my favorites. My dad and I binge watch reruns when I visit my parents.”

“Are they nearby?”

“Bellingham. That’s where I grew up.”

“Oh, nice. I grew up in Los Angeles.”

“Really? Do you miss it?”

“No way. Too crowded, too hot, too much traffic.”

“More traffic than Seattle?”

“Definitely. I laugh when people complain about Seattle commuting. This place has nothing on L.A. Rush hour there is twenty-four/seven.”

“Ugh. I don’t think I’d like to live there.”

“It’s nice to have sunshine in the winter, but I prefer the changing seasons. You don’t get fall color in SoCal. Autumn is hot and windy and everything’s on fire.”


A good-looking Black guy crossed the restaurant and approached our table. Aithan stood and exchanged hugs with him. “Hey, man, thanks for accommodating Zelda’s diet.” He turned to me. “Zel, this is Tobias Peters. Tobias, meet Zelda Gordon.”

I offered my hand and he shook it. “The food was fantastic. Thank you.”

His smile revealed dimples. “I’m glad you liked it. Sam, our head chef, was excited to try some new recipes.”

Holy shit, the man’s voice was as smooth as silk.

Aithan pulled out a chair and Tobias joined us. He was a bit taller than Drew but not as tall as Aithan. His eyes were so dark they were almost jet and his skin was dark brown. His hair was close-cropped, and he sported a neatly trimmed black beard. He was fit like Drew, but not as ripped as Aithan.

“I wish I could enjoy one of your brews,” I remarked. Tobias’s brews were award-winners, especially his Foggy Autumn IPA.

“It’s all good. Aithan drinks more than his fair share of Dark Brew Juju. I’m just glad to meet you, Zel. He’s been talking my ear off about you.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “Sorry you had to go through some shit with Tristan.”

I shrugged. “It’s in the past.” I glanced at Aithan. “I’m moving on.” He took my hand and kissed it.

Tobias said, “Tristan’s loss—”

“Is my gain,” Aithan finished.

“And it’s one helluva gain.” Tobias winked at me. He started to add something, when a child’s voice carried across the restaurant.


Tobias turned and his face lit up as a little girl raced across the room. He scooped her into his arms and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Little Bit, I’ve asked you not to run in the pub.”