He chuckles. “Yeah. They were worried after they talked to you on the phone and you, ‘lost connection.’ ”
“Great, even more people to tattle on me.”
“Are you in a hotel room? Couldn’t handle the wilderness?” He’s stopped, waiting at a crosswalk.
“Yeah, I’m in New York, long story.”
“What?!” he exclaims. “Why didn’t you tell me? Let’s grab lunch.” I squint my eyes at him. What is he being so chipper and nice for?
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, how’s one o’clock?” I blind myself checking the time on my phone. It’s eleven thirty.
“Um. Yeah, okay, sure.” Maybe I’m still drunk. Cruz and I haven’t seen each other in years.
“I’ll send a car. Text me your address.” Great. Everyone knows I’m a carless loser. Awesome.
Slowly, I roll myself out of bed and trudge to the bathroom. I turn the water on in the shower and turn to face the mirror to see how much damage has been done.
As soon as I see the smudged makeup all over my face I lean down on the counter, head hanging between my shoulders. Fuck.
Really? Again? I can’t just black outonetime and forget every stupid, idiotic thing I did the night before?
I barely register getting in the shower or getting dressed and leaving the hotel. All I can think about is Grayson flinching last night. It’s playing over and over in my head. I scared him. I put him in a position where he felt afraid of me.
“Wow, you look like shit.” Cruz is already sitting at our table when I walk in.
Nothing like brotherly love, am I right?
“Gee, thanks. Love you too.”
He laughs and gives me a once over. “What happened to you?”
“Tequila.” That and hurting someone I really freaking care about. I think it’s worse that he’s still been taking care of me. I hurt him. I disappointed him. And he hasn’t lashed out or anything.
“Brutal.” He takes a roll and butters it. “What are you doing up here?”
“A friend of mine needed some help with divorce stuff.” ‘Is that what we are, Sol? Friends?’
He wiggles his eyebrows. “Oooh. Are you the divorce expert now? A bunch of other sad, lonely people come to you for advice and stuff?”
I think if literally anyone else said that to me I would burst into tears. “As a matter of fact, asshat, Mom and Dad sent me up here to fix your sorry ass’s love life.”
If looks could kill. “I’m building a career.”
“Oh, Mr. Business Man is building a business career. No time for peasants like friends or family.”
“Says the girl who locked herself in an apartment for two years checking Brian’s Instagram every three minutes.”
“At least I had a husband!”
His guffaws attract the attention of other customers. “Oh yeah, Sol. I’m real jealous of your marriage with Brian. Are you sure he even knew your name?”
“Do you think Zella will remember yours when she gets married next year?”
“Fuck off, Sol.”