“No one has ever made me feel this way before.”
“Make you feel how?” He’s running his lips across my jaw. Down my neck. Back up.
“Good.” Another slap.
“God! No one has ever made me feel electric and needy and crazed like you do.” He starts massaging where he slapped. When he realizes I’m done speaking, he squeezes my ass twice, biting into my shoulder.Venga.“No one has ever fingered me the way you do. No one has thrown me around like you do. No one has ever made me come. Ever. Especially not the way you do.”
He buries his face in my neck, muffling his pained groan. “Sol, please.Pleasetell me you’re joking.” I barely move my head, ever so subtly shaking it back and forth.
I’m flipped again, onto my back, Grayson covering me with his body. “Who the hell are these morons? I wanna meet them. I have some words I wanna exchange.”
“There’s only, um, just the one…”
I nod.
He falls between my breasts and stays there. He’s motionless until he eventually starts nuzzling the skin he’s buried in.
“Sol, your husband never gave you an orgasm?”
“Can you stop saying it like that? Believe me, I’ve thought worse about myself than you could ever dream of saying.”
He’s in my face instantly. “I am fucking furious, Sol. I am so angry. I wanna punch a goddamn wall. No, I wanna punch Brian in his weak ass face. I am angry for you, I am angry at him. I am pissed beyond belief. You deserve orgasms. You deserve a million fucking orgasms. I am going to give you a million. Fucking. Orgasms.”
“Grayson, it’s fine…”
“It is the opposite of fine. It is a tragedy that this pussy went untouched, untasted for this long.” His hand grips me to reiterate his point. “People should have been lining up, begging, pleading, dreaming of being lucky enough to get to taste you. You should have been experiencing this kind of pleasure every day.”
I don’t know how to respond to that. How do you freaking respond to any of the things he says? They’re killing me softly. They’re destroying me.
“It’s okay, I–”
“Sol. Your sorry excuse for a husband may have been stupid enough to lose the sexiest goddamn woman on this earth, but I won’t be. I get to be the guy who gave you your first orgasm. Who was the first to taste your sweet, sweet pussy. I’ll be the first to eat your ass, to take it. The first to make you come six…seven…eight times in one night. The first to tie you up. The first to use toys with you. I’ll take all the firsts. I’ll covet them like fucking treasure, Sol. It’ll be the honor of a lifetime.”
I don’t know what to do besides hide my face in his neck. He twists so he’s holding me tight against his chest, playing with my hair, whispering things like, ‘You’re so beautiful,’ and, ‘You’re perfect,’ and, ‘You feel so soft.’
It could be minutes, hours, days that pass before Grayson places a kiss on the side of my head and says, “You ready to go?”
I nod, and he helps me get dressed.
Once inside the truck he grabs my hand and holds it on his thigh. We’re quiet for a while. I am so blissed out and trying to figure out how I possibly ended up here. How this is what my life has turned into.
“We need to talk about earlier, Sol.”
“Tomorrow, Grayson.”
He nods and whispers, “Okay. Tomorrow.”
Chapter 20
“Can I at least get a cup of coffee first?”
“No, sit.” Grayson is sitting at the dining room table looking like he’s about to hold a conference room meeting. Ooh. Ode to,Billionaire Bad Boy. *Wags eyebrows*
I take the seat adjacent to him and fold my hands together. You want business, I’ll give you business. “Good morning Mr. Stoker, I appreciate you penciling me in so early. I know normal people like to get up, stretch, have a cup of coffee, but not us business people! We take life by the horns. Early bird gets the worm. You sleep in, you sleep on opportunity. Business deals. Money. Wagers. All those hours before eight am, wasted. I appreciate a like-minded individual. I have a good feeling about our new working relationship.”
He is very disinterested in my role playing. Role playing is one term… could also be described as deflecting. Potato, potahto.