“Ma’am yes ma’am.”
I settle into my seat a little better, ready for the forty-five-minute drive ahead.
The music changes and a big grin spreads on my face. “Oh,yes! I think we know this one!” I cry, yanking the volume dial all the way up. It’s our song. The one we made a dance to. I know Grayson is going to roll his eyes. Most real country fans don’t like Sam Hunt. But man, I can’t help but dance when this one comes on. Time to pull out my scream singing again.
“YOU’RE ON THE COUCH, BLOWIN’ UP MY PHONE. YOU DON’T WANNA COME OUT, BUT YOU DON’T WANNA BE ALONEEEE.” I’ve never claimed to be a professional musician, a singer, a dancer, anything. That’s not going to stop me though. “YOU AIN’T GOTTA LEAVE THE HOUSE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME IMMA BRING THE GOOD TIME HOME TO YOU!” Gosh, I haven’t gotten to do this in so long. The night at the bar was the first time I evenfeltlike singing at all, let alone letting loose and singing at the top of my lungs.
“WE’LL HAVE A –” Yes! Yes, yes, yes. Grayson’s voice joins mine and I couldn’t be happier. “ – HOUSE PARTY WE DON’T NEED NOBODY.”
We take turns laughing and singing. Miming some of the dance moves we came up with for different parts. God it feels good. After the night we had. After the last five years we’ve had. Ten?
When I let my angry hornet’s nest of thoughts back into the front of my brain, I’ll pitch a fit about how Natalie ruined one of the best mornings I’ve had…ever.
I’m having such a good time that I almost don’t notice Grayson taking a turn we aren’t supposed to.
“What are we–”
“I wanna show you someplace,” he says, rolling down his window and resting his elbow on it.
Well, alrighty then.
Have we moved past the whole ‘probably gonna kill me in the woods’ thing after this morning?
At the top of a steep dirt road we pull into a large, flat, grassy area. He backs the truck so the bed is facing over the edge of whatever we’re on.
He unbuckles his seat belt. “Come on.”
I follow him out and we stand at the edge looking over it. “Wow,” I whisper. Looking out from the mountain is one kind of beauty. Natural beauty. But from this hill, you can see all the towns lit up with their golden twinkling street lights, lights on front doors welcoming people home, lights coming from inside the houses as people wind down for the evening.
“This is beautiful,” I say, turning to look at him. He’s all eyes. There’s admiration and wonder. There’s also heat and desire. This man. He could probably teach me how to do my taxes on paper, the old-fashioned way, and I’dstillbe turned on by him.
“Get in the bed of the truck, Sol.” Dominant Grayson. Score.
“What about the –” he walks back a step or two and opens the tailgate.
“In. Now.” There are some pillows and blankets set up inside. My eyes narrow. I just read a spicy book scene that started exactly like this.
With my head held high, I strut past him and climb in (this part is definitely awkward, I can only imagine what I look like hauling my ass into this thing), and crawl across the space, leaning my back against the side that connects to the cab. I can still see the lights from here. But who the hell is looking at the lights when you have Grayson prowling on his hands and knees towards you?
He stops when he’s hovering above my legs. With a very devilish grin he looks up at me through those dark lashes and starts to slide a hand up my thigh and to the waistband of my pants. He pulls it out, letting it snap against me. My breathing is already erratic.
“You wanna be my mistress, lollipop? I’ll eat this cunt out exactly how my mistress deserves.” Whimpers are already falling from my lips. He gets me in a tizzy so freaking quickly.
Before I know what’s happening, he stands up on his knees and rips my leggings and underwear down around my ankles.
“Shit,” I whisper, but he ignores me. He’s very focused on what he’s doing. A one-track mind.
Lips starting at my ankles as he pulls my bottoms off all the way. Lips kissing the inside of my knees. Lips barely touching as he drags his tongue all the way up my inner thigh. He yanks me down so I’m on my back, taking a second to prop two pillows up under my head.
“Lift your shirt up.” I do, revealing my sports bra. He scoffs, annoyed. “The fact that you hide these gorgeous fucking tits inside these goddamn sports bras is a crime against humanity. Take it off. Take it all off.” His eyes rake over my body as I get rid of everything. When I’m finished, he nods in approval, sinking back down to settle himself between my thighs. I can’t help it, I try to clench them together as best I can with him laying in between them.
“Sol,” he warns.
I squirm, unable to open for him.
When I don’t move, he reaches up and pinches my nipple. “Open your legs so I can taste what’s mine.” My whine is pained, frustrated. I want him to make me feel how he did this morning, but I’m all in my head.
He buries his face as far as my thighs will let him, hands prepped to push me wide open for him.