“Tell me how you’re losing yourself.” The way he’s holding me, listening to me… I thought this was something people wrote in fairytales and that it was purely fiction. Like making a movie about living on Pluto or having magical powers. A cool thing a lot of people would wanna do, but can’t, because it’s made up. It was imagined.
“I am feeling the urge to make myself smaller, to do whatever I can to make sure you don’t stop liking being around me. To only interact with you when you very directly, very obviously initiate contact.”
“When have you ever cared about what you said and did in front of me? Sol, half the time you’re waving your hands in the air yelling at me and trying to kick me out of my own house.” I can see the humor on his face. He’s not laughing at me, he’s just amused.
“I –”
“And I haven’t gone anywhere,” he says, interrupting me, pushing my wet hair behind my ear. “I’m still here, Sol. I want you to say and do and act exactly how you want to. Based on your wants and needs and comfort level.”
Oh, he’s not done. “I do not ever want you to adjust yourself to fit into what you think I want. To dim who you are because you’re afraid of how I’ll react.”
“That’s kind of terrifying you know,” I respond, some sarcasm slipping its way in.
He laughs. “Yeah, it is kind of terrifying. But we’re going to do it anyway.” Hmmm. Am I capable of that, Old Sol? ‘No.’ New Sol? ‘Hell yeah!’
New Sol wins it.
… maybe
“Let me make you food.” He places a kiss against my collarbone.
“You’re always making me food,” I laugh.
“Well, let me make you some more.”
“How is it?” He asks from his rocking chair on the porch.
“Orgasmic as always,” I reply, shoving more burger into my mouth. He made more because I didn’t get to try them the other day.
He gives me a knowing, heated grin.
“Oh, shut up!” I laugh, rolling my eyes and throwing a fry at him. Not just any fry. A hand-cut-and-fried-himself fry.
“Do you wanna start sunrise yoga tomorrow?”
“Where did that come from?”
“I was just thinking about that first week and the checklist.”
“What do we have left? Sunrise yoga and…puzzles? Hook up with a stranger?” He gives me a very dry, very unimpressed look. “You’re not a stranger.” I wink and his glare intensifies. “Oh wait! I kind of hooked up with Jade (no I didn’t) does that count? I only saw her those two times…” I’m all cheek. I know I am pushing his buttons and I’m sorry, I love it. I’m addicted to it.
“Sol…” His threat follows me into the cabin, punctuated by the screen door slamming shut. I’m chuckling to myself before I’m gasping. Pressed up against the countertop from behind.
“Do I need to remind you who this pussy belongs to?” God, his mouth. The words that come out of it. The bites and licks and kisses that come from it.
His hands have slid to shove my thighs apart and grab between them. Jesus.
We both freeze. There’s a car coming up the driveway. I can hear the tires on the stones.
I turn my head to see what Grayson thinks. “Who the hell could that be?” He just shakes his head and walks to the windows overlooking the porch.
“Fuck.” He locks the door and leans up against it, eyes closed, hands over his head.
“What’s going on?”