Page 50 of The Cabin

He shifts again (I’m going to die here on this bed) so his body falls to the right, still resting on mine, but freeing up his left hand. That fucking left hand. You’ve really done it this time, Sol.

His fingers travel from my knee towards my hip. They’re barely touching me, but it feels like he’s electrocuting me everywhere they graze. When they reach their destination, he moves to wrap his hand around my waist to my back, sliding it open-palmed under my shirt and towards my bra. He ever so gently slips a finger underneath the band. When he comes up empty, his torturous touch heads downwards. This would all be enough to give me a heart attack, but the eye contact is making this so much more intense.

He reaches the top of my leggings and my stomach clenches as I feel him dip under the elastic, getting extremely close to my ass. He shouldn’t even really be able to reach where he’s at, but I’ve completely arched into his body. He’s playing me like a fiddle.

Once again, he comes up empty. I’m finding it hard to focus on one thing. His eyes, his fingers, or his fucking erection pressing into the side of me he’s laying against. That’s like three days in a row, isn’t it? What am I going to explain this one away as? A bedroom boner? No shit people get boners in bedrooms.

My thighs clench together. I am positively squirming under him.

I arch even harder when his touch sneaks under the front of my shirt and dances over my stomach up towards my chest. He lets one finger trace just around my right breast, under my collarbone, and down through the space of my cleavage. I think I’m sweating. Everywhere. It’s hard to tell when my blood has turned into fire and I’m slowly burning from the inside out.

He pauses when he gets to the bottom of my bra, toying with the fabric that connects the two cups. Pulling on it. Letting it snap back into place. I jolt, heat pools between my legs. He hasn’t looked away from me once. Am I breathing?

“Where is it, Sol?” Words. Thoughts. Sentences. Uh…

“You can have it when I’m done.”

“That’s not going to work.” He finally breaks eye contact to run his nose along my jaw.

As soon as his fingers start moving again I can barely see straight. My nipples are so hard they’re painful and my stomach is so filled with butterflies I might throw up.

Down they go. The closer they get, the more my pussy throbs. He passes the top of my pants and I almost exhale a sigh of relief until I feel him continue his search from the outside. First up the inside of my thigh, then across where the phone is. The only thing that stands between Grayson touching between my legs is a thin layer of fabric, his phone, and my underwear. That feels like virtually nothing.

“What’s this, Sol?” Why does he have to say my name like that? It should be considered nuclear warfare.

His nose moves from my jaw to just below my ear.

I have to at least try to put up a fight, even if it’s a losing battle. “That’s called a pussy, Grayson. I guess you don’t have much experience with them…”

He growls. He fucking growls in my ear and I know I pass away. I know I am dead. I know it.

“Should we test that theory?” Now I’m really starting to panic. He’s lifting the front of my leggings up so he can get inside. If I’m not already dead, I definitely am now.

He grasps the top of his phone and starts dragging it up so slowly it’s giving me goosebumps. He looks down at the motion of his hand and it causes even more warmth to flood my alreadyverywet core. Which he is extremely close to. Oh my god, can he feel it?

When it finally slides all the way out, he reaches behind him to return it back to his pocket. “Found it,” he murmurs into my neck before rolling off of me and standing up from the bed.

I let out a long, shaky breath. Holy shit. Hooooly shit. I need a minute. I need nine thousand minutes.

“Looks like you’ve got a bigger problem than what you started with,” he smirks.

“Looks like you’re gonna have to start the saw back up.” I’m impressed I can even form coherent sentences let alone sick burns.

His gaze travels down my body and I force myself not to move. To pretend I’m unaffected by him. I’m sure that’ll show him. It’ll definitely erase the fact that I was just putty in his hands.

I peel myself off the bed and swing myself around the opening of the barn doors.

“That’s okay,” I call. “I’ll just take the truck and meet her at the bar!” Logically that doesn’t make any sense, but isn’t Grayson on me in a minute, pushing me up against the hallway wall outside his room.

“You’re not going anywhere, and you’re especially not going anywhere with her.”

“What is your problem with her?”

“I don’t have a problem.”

I motion towards our current position with my eyes. “Really? Because it sure seems like you do.”

“Well, I don’t.” He pushes off of me and goes to get the car keys and blow them up I’m sure. Maybe he can saw them into pieces while he’s out there dealing with his hard on.