Page 45 of The Cabin

There’s a very small smile on his lips. He takes two reluctant steps back towards me. “That was too erratic. It’s more like this.”

I am laughing so hard I can’t breathe. Sweat is dripping from essentially every place it can and I am folded up in some insane position on the floor while Grayson tries to do a ‘cool trick’ (his words, not mine) above me.

“You need to stick your leg out further.”

“Grayson!” I puff. “How much further can I possibly put it?”

“I need it out so I can pretend to play Skip It with your foot. You gotta whirl your leg around in a circle.”

I collapse into a pile of mush on the floor, unable to hold myself up anymore. “Are you crazy? I don’t have that kind of…any body part strength. We can switch places and I can do the Skip It.” You can tell hereallydoesn’t like that idea. “You gotta compromise! This isn’t the, ‘Grayson Show,’ it’s the, ‘Sol and Grayson Show.’”

“Mm. Try the ‘Grayson and Lollipop Show.’ Get it right. I’m the lead choreographer. I’ve come up with almost everything we’ve done.”

It takes me fifteen full seconds to stand up. “Um! Excuse me! What about my cool leap sequence?”

He shoos me away. “Yeah, yeah. You’ll get an honorable mention in the program.”

“An honorable mention! I’ll sue you!”

“Don’t worry, me and my lawyer are very close.”

“Yeah, same!”

He turns from his phone and looks at me. We both start cracking up. “They’ve made so much money off of us!” I cry, holding my stomach.

“So much fucking money. Maybe I’ll suethemfor robbery.”

“Ooh. I’ll be your representation.”

“Perfect. But I’m not paying you.”

“Yes, you are. You’ll give me half of what you win.”

“A quarter.”

“Three quarters! I’ll be the one doing all the work!”

Grayson takes off his shirt and stretches out his shoulders. “Damn, it’s hot in here.” He walks over and messes with the thermostat. (How the hell did he install central air in two weeks while also doing all this other stuff??)

It just got a lot hotter.

He saunters back over and leans on the island. “You’re still messing up the turn. It’s kick one two, spin three four, land five six.”

“No, it’s not.You’rethe one messing it up. It’s kick one and two, spin three and fourandfive, then land six.”

“That’s not even equal counts.”

“Two counts isn’t long enough to spin!”

“Then how come I’m managing it?”

My hands go to my hips and he relents. “Okay, fine. Let’s just move on. We need to add a slow part. A serious part.”

“There isn’t a slow or serious part in this song.”

His eyes meet mine. “Yeah, I know. I’m going to splice something in. I have an idea.”