Page 63 of Only With You

“I say we just give what she wants,” I shrug, as a matter of fact.

“Really? You serious about having more kids?” she asks with a sombre face.

I turn my eyes from Mili to Alisha and nod my head. “That’s my dream and I am looking forward to fulfilling it.”

“Maybe soon.” She smiles as a blush rises up her cheeks.

Yes soon. Soon I will turn our dream into reality. God, I can’t wait to see Alisha’s tummy grow and her waddling around the house, looking cute as a button.

Chapter 30


I press my face into the pillow as a smile creeps up my face when Ranveer murmurs something in my ear while I am asleep. His strong arm wrapped around my stomach, my back against his chest, and his hot breath at the back of my neck tells me this is not a dream. I’m really here, back at Ranveer’s house. Our home. I don’t know how we got to this point, especially after the way things went between us, but I’m glad we’re here now, together as a happy family. Gently lifting his hands from me, I sit up on the bed and put my feet on the floor. I stretch my arms before turning my head to Ranveer to check if I have accidentally woken him up. Nope. He is sound asleep, breathing evenly. Giving him one last admiring glance, I rise to my feet and tiptoe to my daughter. My daughter. My heart fills with emotions, just with the thought of it. Yesterday, when she asked if she could call me mommy, I knew I needed to be the mother to her who will love her the way she deserves to be. She deserves nothing less than a perfect family. I’m not sure what is going to happen and how it’s going to work with Soha in the picture, but I vow I will work harder to give Mili a loving family like the one I had growing up.

Quietly stepping into Mili’s room, I find her lying on her back in deep sleep, with the pink blanket over her lower half and her chest rising and falling steadily, while her tiny hands are on either side of her head. I walk to the recliner near her bed and sit. I touch her face and then brush the hair that’s fallen on her face.

“Alisha mommy,” she says in her sleepy voice.

God, I can’t ever get enough of her calling me that. “Good morning, Princess.” I smile, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “Did you get fairy dreams?” I ask, brushing my hands on her hair again.

“Yes, I did.” She gives me a drowsy smile as she sits up on the bed. “Will you make waffles for me?”

“Waffle it is for breakfast,” I tell her, as I get up from the bed and lift her in my arms.

“With lots and lots of chocolate syrup,” she says excitedly when we pass the hall.

“That, and lots of sprinkles as well.” I grin.

Her eyes widen and her lips curve up. “You are thebestmommy. I love you.” She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek.

“I love you too, Princess,” I say, kissing the tip of her pointed nose.

As I step into the kitchen, I settle her on the counter. I am getting used to our bond of love, which is growing by leaps with each passing day. How I wish I could keep Mili with me forever! Unfortunately, I know that’s something which is out of my reach. Unwillingly, I will have to share her with Soha, her biological mom. Mili will always have to jiggle between Soha and me. I hate that Mili has to go through this, but that’s not in my hands.

“Mommy, I am hungry. Please make the pancakes quickly.” Mili’s voice brings me out of my preoccupied thoughts.

“Sorry, Princess, give me ten minutes and your waffles will be ready.” Smiling at her, I get started with the preparations, pulling out the necessary stuff.

“Last time you did a good job with mixing the batter. Do you want to try again?” I ask her, putting some flour into the bowl before holding it out to her.

“That’s my favourite part to do.” She grins, stirring the flour. “I do it better than you.”

Narrowing my eyes, I set my hands on my hips. “Is that so?”

She shrugs, hiding her smile. “It is.”

“You better take that back.” I smile and tickle her, making her squirm on the counter.

“Smells good here.” Ranveer’s husky voice is heard from the kitchen door.

Standing to my full height, I lift my head and meet his sleepy gaze. I try not to pay attention to his messy hair, giving away our crazy lovemaking night. I feel my cheeks heat up. His eyes turn darker and drop to my mouth, letting me know that he is having the same thoughts as mine. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and shut my eyes for a second. ‘Stop, Alisha. You do not need to think about all that right now,’ I murmur to myself with a stern rebuke.

“Daddy, we are making waffles for breakfast,” Mili chimes in, holding out the batter bowl, breaking the wild thoughts about her dad that were running in my head.

His eyes move to her. In a jiffy, the lust that was pouring from his eyes a moment back, vanishes, to be replaced by tenderness for his daughter. “Is my princess helping?”

“Yes, I am.” Mili nods her little head in confirmation.