“That he is,” Mili replies, coming to me and wrapping her tiny hands around my waist as she places her cheek on my stomach. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too,” I smoothen my hands on her head.
“Mili is lucky to have a dad like you,” Alisha murmurs.
I lift my head to Alisha. Her eyes are on me and her face softens. Looking into Alisha’s beautiful eyes, I smile. “Thanks. But I do have my flaws and mess up this dad thing at times.”
“Those hiccups don’t matter. They are a part and parcel of every relationship. Mili adores you, which speaks volumes for the kind of Dad you have proved to be,” she says softly, her eyes soft with emotions.
I swallow the lump in my throat. My heart feels heavy in my chest. Just like always, her words touch a part of my heart that I never knew existed until she came into my life. I am about to say that she too is a great mom when Mili’s stomach roars. The moment is ruptured and we all laugh.
“Time to feed the princess,” I say, grinning down at Mili.
“Let’s go. I am so hungry.” She smiles brightly as she gazes up at me.
“I want to ask something?” Mili calls out from the backseat of the car.
“What’s that, Princess?” I ask, looking at her from the rear-view mirror. She looks back at me in the mirror, her eyes shining with excitement.
“Can I call Alisha aunty, Alisha mommy?” Mili asks.
Her words catch me off guard and I pull my car over to the side of the road. I then turn in my seat and look at Mili. I’ll be lying if I said this is not something that I always hoped for, but at the same time, there is a part of me that is curious to know what brought this on and can’t resist asking, “What made you think like that, Princess?”
Mili gives me a serious look and replies, “Today in school, when I was telling my friend, Tina, all the things I do with Alisha aunty, Tina immediately said that she does all that stuff with her mommy. So, then, that makes Alisha aunty my mommy!”
My eyes move to Alisha as I stare at her. I can tell from Alisha’s face that she is surprised too. She gives me a small shrug, smiling at me before she turns around to face Mili.
“I would love that.” Alisha smiles and then looks at me. Her head tilts to the side as she studies me. “Are you okay with her calling me mommy?” she asks softly.
“I would want nothing more than you to be Mili’s mom, which she truly deserves,” I tell her honestly and then turn around to look at Mili. “You are a lucky girl, Princess. Alisha mommy loves you.”
“I love her too, so much.” Mili beams, spreading both her arms wide to show how much she loves Alisha.
I turn back to Alisha. “I can’t wait to grow my family with you, and fill our house with kids.”
She rolls her eyes. “We are not discussing this yet. We still have enough time for that,” she says.
Mili interrupts exclaiming, “I am going to be a big sister. Will I get a brother or sister?”
Alisha shakes her head and tells her softly. “Baby, there is no brother or sister as of now.”
“So, I won’t get to be a big sister. No brother or sister for me?” Her face becomes sullen as she regards me with puppy eyes.
“I promise you will have one soon,” I confirm and wink at her through the mirror.
“I want to be a big sister.” Mili’s eyes light up with a huge grin on her face.
“Don’t you think being a big sister means a lot of work? Are you ready for that yet?” Alisha asks, hoping to make her rethink.
Mili scrunches up her face and gives it a thought before speaking, “Yes, I am ready. I want to be a big sister. Promise, I will be the best sister.”
“You definitely will be,” Alisha agrees with a loving smile.
By the time we pull up in front of McDonalds, Mili is overexcited and is babbling about how she plans to take care of her siblings and how much she will love them. It’s cute listening to her.
“God, she won’t stop till we don’t fulfil her wish of having a sibling,” Alisha mutters, as we sit at our table in the corner of the restaurant and watch Mili dance around our table, singing that she is going to be a big sister.