“Will miss you more, Wifey.” He blows a kiss in the air and then winks at me before driving away.
I walk up the steps toward the front door and ring the doorbell. It doesn’t take long for Rewa to open the door.
“Hey,” I greet her with a smile.
She smiles back at me. I see how fresh she is looking without even an ounce of makeup on her face. Her hair is piled on top of her head, giving her a girl-next-door look. It kind of looks cute on her. She is also wearing a chequered t-shirt with navy blue pants, just like me.
“Come on in. We have a few inquiries, and I would like you to have a look at them.” Rewa gestures for me to enter as she steps aside.
We both walk into the room at the right corner where she has set up our temporary office.
“Would you like to have anything? Coffee or tea?” she offers when we step into the room.
“No, thanks. I am good,” I say as my eyes roam around the simple white room. Though it is small, it perfectly caters to all our requirements. There is no bed. Instead, we have got three large standing hangers for the clothes. And right in the centre, we have a wooden oak desk with two chairs opposite one another. Putting my bag down on the desk, I pull out my laptop from my bag and start it up.
“You are glowing,” Rewa observes as she comes to stand next to me. This girl and her way of digging out the truth. She puts up her hands. “Now don’t give me a lecture on being an inquisitive brat. It’s been long since I have seen you this cheerful, so I can’t help but ask you.”
“I am happy,” I confess with a twinkle in my eyes.
“And I can’t tell you how glad I am for you.” She gives me a genuine smile which tells me she means it. This makes me beam and share the real reason for my happiness.
“I’m soon going to shift back to Ranveer’s house,” I say, dropping down on one of the chairs.
Her jaw hits the floor. “Are you serious?” She flops into the chair opposite me and places her elbows on the desk, leaning forward. “That’s great news. How do you feel about it? I mean, having Ranveer back in your life.”
I smile. “I’ve always been his wife who is madly in love with him.” She stares at me waiting for me to continue. “I agree he made a mistake by hiding the truth from me, but I have forgiven him for it. I don’t know what our relationship will be like, with all the chaos around us. I’m on pins and needles thinking whether I am making the right choice or pushing myself into another abyss, but at the same time, I know my heart will not be able to bear the distance. I am ready to take this leap of faith with him.”
“Babes, trust me on this, you are making the right decision. He for sure is crazy for you. I can vow for it. Nothing matters to him more than your happiness.” She nods her head while giving me an understanding look.
I nod. “I am equally crazy for him. I can’t tell you how tough the distance between us was for me. I was in pain; my smile was lost somewhere. It felt like being caged for a lifetime in misery. And now, having him back…” I blush as the rosy picture of us together fills my vision. “Feels like experiencing a lifetime of joy all at once. His love is like a drug which I need to keep me alive.”
She puts her hands to her chest and says dreamily, “Awww! That’s so romantic. I hope I too find my prince charming soon.”
I shake my head, laughing. “I am sure you will find him soon. I pray you will. Now getting back to work, I have some news for you.”
“What’s that?” she asks with a puzzled look on her face.
“I am thinking of flying to London and selling one of my properties there. If everything goes as per plan, then maybe we can buy a small place around and start our boutique.”
She looks at me. “Are you kidding me?”
“Nope, I am serious.”
“That’s great news, but I want to let you know that I am happy to continue our business from my house. I have no issues.”
I nod my head in agreement. Rewa has been accommodating and understanding in helping me run the business from her house. But this is not something that I am looking at on a permanent basis. “I know we can continue our work from your house, but I miss the feeling of owning a boutique.”
“To be honest, even I miss getting dressed and coming to the office. I am tired of working from home in my pyjamas.” She makes a face, making me grin.
“Also, I am due to pay your rent…” I start to say, but she puts up her hand and stops me.
“We are not discussing this again. I did tell you I am not taking a penny from you. So don’t even think about paying for my rent,” Rewa warns me.
Thereafter, she starts discussing work with me such that I am not able to talk it out with her. We work side by side for the next few hours, only taking a few short breaks in between. We are going through the order for one of our clients and start typing for confirmation when I am interrupted by a call on my mobile. A smile creeps on my face when the screen flashes with Ranveer’s name.
“Hey, Wifey, are you done for the day?”
“Almost done. I just have one last mail to send to one of our clients,” I reply as I continue typing on the laptop with the phone pressed between my cheek and shoulder.