I smile as I recollect how he reacted when he heard me talking to Siddh. My heart got all excited and did a pirouette in my chest when I saw the jealous, envious look in his eyes. I know it’s silly for me to react like that, because this is not the first time that he has behaved all territorial. And for God’s sake, he is my husband, but still, I am being all giddy like a college girl over his possessiveness. But that’s the way he makes me feel. And even though I try not to think about him, I do. Too much for my own sanity.
Exhaling deeply, I glance at the clock and realise he must be home any minute, and I need to get started with dinner. I know how much he loves it when I cook for him. That’s the reason I asked the house help to skip preparing tonight’s meal. With a grin, I start preparing his favourite chicken curry and rice.
“What are you doing in the kitchen at this time?” I am startled by his voice.
I look up to find him staring at me. He is looking so handsome in the grey suit. His hair is neatly combed back. Overall, he is looking so fresh, with no sign of the day’s tiredness on his face. That’s the way I always wish to see him. Yep! That’s right, I hate to see him worn out and all frustrated. I always want him to be like this, the way he is standing in front of me right now, at peace and full of energy.
“Sweetheart, I asked you something.”
Oh no! Blush instantly creeps on my face. He caught me gawking at him. Why Alisha, why?
“Um... yeah... I… I... well... I am cooking dinner for you,” I stutter, looking down and start pulling out the pan.I hope he didn’t notice my flushed face.
“Thanks, I really missed your food.”His reply brings warmness in my body and a smile to my face. But I hide my smile by averting my face. Obviously, I have no inclination to make a fool of myself in front of him.
Just as I get back to cooking, his mobile starts ringing. With a frown, he looks up at me.
“Sorry, Sweetheart, I need to take this call,” he says apologetically.
“That’s okay, you go ahead and take the call. I anyway need some time to cook,” I reply with a smile.
He nods his head and steps out of the kitchen to take the call while I resume my task of cooking. I stand in front of the fridge and start pulling out the ingredients I need to make the chicken curry and place them on the counter. I start chopping vegetables and adding them to the pan which I have already put on the stove. Being engrossed in the preparation, I don’t realise when he comes into the kitchen and wraps his hands around my stomach from behind. A gasp leaves my mouth at the unexpected encounter while he pulls me closer in his embrace.
“I love seeing you in the kitchen, cooking for me,” he whispers, his lips warm against my ear.
The sensations that run through me ignite desire in me. It takes all my effort not to let out a deep guttural moan. My core seems to be on fire, and I squeeze my thighs tightly together to curb the sensations that threaten to overpower me.
“I… I love…” I stammer. “I love cooking,” I mumble.
He seems to be on a journey of his own as I feel him push the hair from my neck. His lips leave a sizzling trail from my neck and across my shoulder. For a moment, I surrender to his warm lips and feel secure in his embrace while my heart paces up. The sizzling sound in the pan reminds me that the chicken curry is cooking. I try to gather my wits and make an effort to remember exactly what needs to be added. With shaky hands, I add the seasoning to the chicken and then stir. I need to relax and bring my raging hormones under control.
“What are you cooking?” he asks, looking over my shoulder and into the pan.
“Chicken curry with rice.” I glance over at him and notice his eyes express approval. The thin lips twitch in a way that makes me stir with desire.
“That’s my favourite.”
“Hmmmmm…. I made it just the way you like it, medium spicy.” I get out on a strangled breath, focusing back on the dish.
“W… what a… are you doing?” I stutter and gasp as his hands slip under my t-shirt, forcing a moan from me while the butterflies create havoc in my belly.
“Showing my wife how much I appreciate and love her for taking a special effort for me.” His lips trail up my neck and brushes my ear while his palm moves over my breast.
“Ranveer…” I pant as he nibbles my earlobe.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” He cups my breast in his hand while his fingers brush lightly over my nipples.
I freeze for a second. My buds stand out, owing to the attention they are getting from him. “Someone might walk in,” I try to warn him while making a lame attempt to make him see sense.
“No one will disturb us,” he whispers back. “God, Alisha, you’re so sexy. I have no damn control over myself.” His groans make my toes curl. “Do you have any idea how many times I craved to have this moment, to have you back in life just the way you are supposed to be?Do you know how many times I wished to have you next to me? Can you even fathom how staying away from you every day drove me crazy?” His face turns into my hair, inhaling the floral fragrance as he continues, “And now you are here. Back with me. Fuck, Alisha, I can’t let you push me away again.”
“I missed this. Missed you so much.” My head drops back to his shoulder, and I close my eyes, biting my lip hard as he squeezes my breast.
“Staying under one roof, having you right under my nose yet unable to make love to you has been a punishment for me.” He pinches my nipple, making me whimper. “Did you enjoy punishing me, Wifey?”
“Why… why would I?” I shiver under his assault.