Page 29 of Only With You

Dad shakes his head. “Alisha, I don’t think…”

I don’t let him complete his sentence and interrupt him mid-way. “Dad, I need to go, and you won’t stop me. Regardless of what my relationship with Ranveer is, I can’t turn my back on his Granddad, who has been nothing but loving and kind to me,” I say as a fresh wave of tears fills my eyes.

“But he is the one who hid the truth about Ranveer’s marriage.”

“He did, but if you look at it, it’s not his fault completely. It was Ranveer’s story to tell, not his,” I explain, hoping to get his consent.

Dad nods his head and raises his hands in the air. He then sighs and says, “I know that if you have made up your mind, there is no pulling you back. You go meet him and let us know if we need to be there as well.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I smile as my lips quiver.


“I am so happy that you finally decided to meet this old man. But I hate that the doctors have put me in bed and I can’t welcome you properly,” Granddad rumbles from his bed.

I give him a weak smile. “How are you feeling?” I ask as I step further into his room and take the chair beside his bed.

“I guess I am okay,” he says breathlessly, looking a bit pale.

“You need to follow the doctors’ instructions, and no stressing yourself.”

“I hate to be sick,” he grumbles.

“You will be fine soon. I am here to take care of you.”

His eyes go wide and hope flickers in them. “You are not upset with me about keeping the truth away from you?”

I shake my head. “No, I am not. I know what you did was with good intentions.”

With a proud smile, he says, “I was not wrong in choosing you for my grandson.”

I sit back in my seat and cross my arms. “Just hold your horses. Let me warn you I won’t go easy on you. I have the list of instructions that the doctors have given me and will make sure you follow each one of them.”

“That means you will stay back with me?” Ignoring my threat, he asks me with hopeful eyes.

I smile and nod my head. “Yes, I will.”



“And you will play chess with me and let me win this time?”

I let out a laugh. “I will play chess with you but I can’t promise to let you win.”

“Alisha I am really—” He breaks off, holding his breath. “—sorry. I know whether you say it aloud or not, somewhere, I am responsible for this mess,” he chokes out the words.

I lean forward and rub my hands on his chest. “How about we table this conversation for another day and concentrate on your health right now?”

“You might have to face that idiotic grandson of mine,” he states in a matter-of-fact tone.

It takes all my effort to hide my smile. I know what he is trying to do. He’s meddling, and now his illness is making it worse.

“I think I can manage,” I say as I straighten back on my chair.

“I wish Ranveer would have told you the truth. Things would have been different in that case,” he says in a defeated tone.

There. Now we’re at the crux of the matter. “It doesn’t matter. Regardless, I’m here now.”