Page 22 of Only With You

I look over at Ranveer and he nods his head. “You guys go ahead and have fun.”

I turn back to Mili and smile at the adorable expression on her face. “Let’s go.”

“Yippie!” She jumps off her stool and bounces across the living room to the guest room.

Ranveer and I rise to our feet as we follow Mili to the guest room where we find her pulling out the puzzle box from the rack that’s in the corner of the room. I take my eyes off her and glance around. He has renovated this room and turned it into a dream playroom. Not only it is pink with comfortable-looking couches, it even has a huge doll house at the centre. The room is filled with all the latest dolls and toys one can dream of.

“Wow!” I breathe when I spot a pink Barbie study tucked into the corner of the room.

“I had this renovated a couple of days back. I thought having a play area for her will help her keep herself occupied,” Ranveer explains.

I turn my focus to him. “You did good.”

“Aunty…” Mili calls out.

I turn to look at her and find her sitting on the floor with the puzzle pieces spread out in front of her. I walk over and pick up one of the pieces. We both then begin to solve together while chatting and giggling in between. It’s been forever since I’ve fixed puzzles, and I honestly forgot how fun it was when I was a kid. Now I don’t regret my decision to come here. It’s totally worth it.

Chapter 11


The room is basking in a soft dim light, making the scene in front of me even more endearing. I look from Mili to Alisha who are curled up under the blanket on the couch. I am seated opposite them on the single recliner, admiring them. A smile plays on my lips as I turn my attention back to the television though my mind is busy replaying the past few hours. After Mili and Alisha had fun solving the puzzle, we ordered pizza for dinner and played a few card games. Once through with dinner, when Alisha mentioned that she needed to get going, Mili became cranky. She was yet to have her fill of Alisha and was not ready to say goodbye. In those few hours, they had become so fond of each other that Alisha didn’t have the heart to refuse and gave in to Mili’s plea.

That brings us to the present, where we are in the living room, watching Hotel Transylvania, a movie picked by Mili. This is the exact moment I always dreamt of, having the two most important females in my life under the same roof. I still find it hard to believe that Alisha is here with me. It’s as though I conjured her from my mind. The only and the most disappointing difference is that instead of being curled against me in my arms, she is sitting opposite me. Don’t get me wrong. I am more than happy that she is with Mili. However, I can’t help yearning for her. God, how I hate this distance!

An hour later, I see the credits roll up. Picking the remote from the coffee table, I announce, “Now it’s my turn to choose a movie.”

Alisha groans before tearing her gaze from the television as she gently shifts Mili and squares her shoulders. I know she is glaring at me but I ignore it. Instead, I smile as I hit the button and my favourite movie, Mission Impossible, starts playing on the screen.

“We are not watching an action movie,” Alisha growls.

I glance back at her and then shrug my shoulders while I focus my attention back on the movie. “Why so? You girls got to pick your movie, and I didn’t fuss about it. It’s only fair now that I get to choose mine.”

“Can’t you choose something acceptable by all and something less manly?” Alisha says under her breath.

I turn my eyes from the television and find her eyes narrowed at me. “I didn’t complain about the kiddie movie.”

“Maybe because you too enjoyed it,” Alisha counters back. “But we are so not watching an action film.”

“Yes, Daddy, no fighting scenes,” Mili agrees, bobbing her head up and down, making her black locks fall on her face.

“Come on. Give me the remote and let me pick something that we all can enjoy.” Alisha bends forward and reaches out to take the remote, but I pull it back just before she can snatch it from my hand.

“Nope. It’s my turn, and you guys will not fuss over it.”

“No way.” Alisha pushes herself up and comes to stand in front of me, holding out her hand. “Now give me the remote.” Mili starts to giggle as she witnesses our squabble.

I smirk at Alisha. “You are just wasting your time, Sweetheart. You won’t win this.” I use the length of my arm to keep the remote out of her reach when she tries to grab it again.

“What are you, a ten-year-old kid?” She bends, and leans further into me, making her breasts brush my chest and her lips close to mine. If it wasn’t for my daughter chuckling a few feet away, I would not have stopped myself from smashing my lips to hers in a deep kiss that would leave her short of breath. God, this woman knows how to put my sanity to the test.

“Ranveer, don’t be stubborn,” she groans, not realising the wild uncontrollable urge that is rising within me by the minute.

Before this can lead to anything further, Alisha’s mobile rings, breaking the moment. She looks down at us and then abruptly pulls herself from me as she straightens herself.

“I… I… I need to take the call,” she stutters nervously, wiggling her fingers together. I nod my head.

Then, she picks up her mobile from the coffee table and disappears into the kitchen. I let out a breath. When will Alisha realise that she is not only torturing me but herself as well?