As soon as I say that, Mili lets out a whoop, which makes me look up. She claps her hands while her eyes dance with joy. “We will solve the new Barbie puzzle which Dad got me.”
“Before you make further plans, we first need to get you checked with the doctor,” Ranveer intervenes in an authoritative voice.
“I don’t want an injection.” Her smile is wiped out in a jiffy and her head falls back on her shoulders with a groan.
“I promise you won’t get one.” Ranveer caresses the top of her head and then looks at me. “So, you coming home to play with Mili?”
God! This feels like the most awkward moment of my life. I am about to open my mouth to deny when Mili looks at me with puppy eyes as she pleads with me. I huff and am left with no option but to give in.
“You’ll come in with us to the doctor?” Ranveer asks me.
I shake my head. “No, you guys go ahead. In the meanwhile, I’ll get Dad’s report checked.”
“Are you sure you won’t run away?” Ranveer’s eyes bore into mine, showing he still doesn’t have faith in my reply.
“I won’t,” I assure him before making my way to the doctor’s room.
Less than twenty minutes later, I am out of the doctor’s room and looking around when I spot Ranveer and Mili walking out of the opposite room and circling back to where I am. That’s when I notice the small bandage on her forehead.
“Was it okay? Did it hurt?”
“It did a bit, but I was a brave girl. I didn’t even fuss when the doctor was applying the bandage,” she proclaims proudly, pointing at her bandage.
I smile at her. “Wow! You really are a brave girl.”
Mili wraps her tiny hands around mine. The soft unexpected touch makes me look down to my side. “Can we go now?”
“Yeah.” I give her hand a squeeze and then look at Ranveer. “Soha…?” I ask hesitantly in a whisper.
“Doesn’t stay with us,” is all that he says.
I nod and bite my bottom lip, allowing Mili to drag me away as we walk towards the parking lot, with Mili jumping up and down with excitement.
“Can Alisha aunty come in our car?” Mili asks once we reach his car.
“Mili…” I am about to deny when he cuts me off.
“Of course, she can.” He looks over and meets my gaze. “In fact, it’s a wonderful idea.”
Mili claps her hands. “Aunty, you sit in the front with Daddy, and I will sit at the back.”
“But what about my car? I can’t leave it here.” I halt in my steps, hoping that excuse is good enough to avoid getting into Ranveer’s car.
“How about I drive your car? I can ask my driver to bring my car.” Ranveer smirks at me.
“Fine,” I hiss. Left with no choice, I agree.
“Good.” Ranveer smiles as we walk towards my car, which is parked a couple of cars away from his.
Upon reaching my car, Ranveer opens the door and helps Mili settle in the backseat.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I ask once he shuts Mili’s door. I am still in double mind about spending time with Mili and Ranveer and am having serious doubts if it’s even a wise decision.
“Are you being a coward, Sweetheart?” He raises his eyebrows, taking a step towards me. I automatically take a step back.
“I am not a coward, just confused. There is a difference, you jerk,” I snap.
“Alisha, will you stop overthinking?” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Do you really want to break your promise to Mili?” he asks, pointing towards Mili, who is smiling at me through the window. He raises a brow, waiting for me to reply.