Page 73 of Only With You

“Fine, but that’s the only thing I am doing. Don’t even think of demanding anything more.” I bite out.

“Thanks, Hubby,” Alisha replies, failing miserably to hide her winning grin.

“You are lucky that I love you, Wifey,” I say before I open my car door and storm towards the back of the car.

“That I am.” The grin escapes this time. “You help her while I quickly go and open the door,” Alisha says as she pulls the keys from her bag. I don’t respond and just watch her as she walks away towards the elevator, leaving me alone to handle Soha.

“Will you be able to step out of the car on your own or do you need help?” I ask Soha, shoving open her side of the door.

She lifts her head to me and cries out. “I can’t feel my legs. I think I have lost them. How will I walk?”

I let out a frustrated breath. “You have not lost your fucking legs. You are just fucking drunk.” Left with no other option, I bend down and put my head inside the car. One hand goes under her legs while the other under her back, and then I carry her out of the car. God, I can feel my skin crawl when she wraps her hands around my neck.

“You’re such a good guy.” She looks around, still in a daze.

Wanting this torture to end as soon as possible, I hurry my steps towards the elevator which is thankfully empty. Within a minute, we reach the house, where I find Alisha standing at the door.My stomach turns when I see the uneasy look pass over Alisha’s face, and it takes everything in my willpower not to drop fucking Soha on her ass and pull my wife in my arms.

“I will go check on Mili, while you settle Soha in the guest room,” Alisha says. Though she insists otherwise, her fidgeting fingers and averted gaze give away her apprehension.

“I will come back to you as soon as I settle her in the guest room,” I tell her softly.

“Okay,” she nods her head and walks towards Mili’s room.

With a groan, I adjust Soha in my arms and take her to the guest room. Once inside, I make her sit on the queen-sized bed.

“You can stay here, but I want you gone the first thing in the morning.”

“You mean to say I have just one night with you,” Soha says, her tone seductive as she smiles and rises to her feet, taking a tipsy step closer to me while she puts her hand on my chest. “How about we make full use of it? You stay with me here, and we can have some fun.” Her voice is slurred as she says that.

Looking down at her hands on my chest, I step back from her touch. “Haven’t I made myself clear that we are done and I want you to get the hell out of my life?” I clench my jaws as I furiously blink at her.

“Ranveer… things can be worked out, we can work this out. Why can’t you see I love you?” Soha cries.

I let out a humourless laugh. “It’s funny that you keep using the word love, Soha. I can bet, I am not the only man with whom you are using this word.”

Soha looks at me with wide tear-filled eyes. “Ranveer, those men mean nothing to me. I only went to them because I was lonely. But none of them were even close to what you are. The way I feel for you, I didn’t feel for any of them. All I want is you.”

Her crocodile tears do nothing to me; rather, they piss me even more. “Don’t even try to sway me with your equally fake words. They have no fucking effect on me. Don’t you think over the years, I have come to learn that drama is embedded in your DNA as an extra chromosome?” I suck in a deep breath, struggling to calm down myself as I continue, “I am serious, Soha, you and me are fucking done.”

Her back straightens and her tears dry. “So, this is it, Ranveer? I make just one mistake and you don’t even want to consider giving me a chance? For God’s sake, Ranveer, I have apologised to you a thousand times over the years. And you were okay to maintain a civil relationship with me for Mili’s sake until you got married to that bitch. It is because of her that you now feel you need to break all ties with me.”

Fury boils up in my chest and pours from my eyes. “Not a word against my wife, Soha. If not, I will throw you out of my house this very minute.”

“Fine, I won’t say anything. But let me stay the night, I will be gone by tomorrow morning,” she mumbles, her shoulders drooping down.

Without another word, I turn around and march out of the door. I don’t want to waste another thought on such a greedy, worthless woman. The only person I desire for now is my wife. Wasting no time, I go in search of her. My harrowed face relaxes a bit just with the mere thought about her. Anticipation runs through my veins and I quicken my steps as I know where I will find her.

As soon as I walk into Mili’s room, my sour mood turns into a smile—the first smile I have felt on my lips in hours. My heart fills with emotions. Alisha is curled up on the bed with Mili. They have the pink throw blanket wrapped over them. I squat down in front of them and move the hair off Alisha’s face. The light touch wakes her up. Her eyes flutter open and she sees me.

“Hey,” she says in her sleepy voice. “I was going to come to our room but I don’t know when I fell asleep.”

“Let’s go to bed,” I whisper. She is about to get up when I pick her up in a bridal style. She wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my chest. I walk to our room and set her on the bed.

“Is Soha okay?” Her voice is soft with concern.

“She is, but I don’t want to talk about her.”

She searches my eyes and then nods in understanding. “Okay.”