“Tonight, I am not letting you sleep. Be prepared for a wild night,” I murmur. Her breath catches as I place a kiss on her neck. She is still stumped because of my impromptu action. I smirk and hand over the spatula back to her before I walk to my seat next to Mili.
Alisha takes a moment before turning around. Her cheeks are red but she tries her best to put on an unaffected look on her face. “Please make sure you don’t order any junk for Mili. I have cooked her lunch.”
“I won’t,” I promise her, but when I notice Mili’s sullen face next to me, I know I’ll have to order dessert for my princess.
Alisha lets out a breath. “I am still not happy about Ajay. All these months, I have put up with it, but from tomorrow, I am putting my foot down.”
“We are not discussing this again. I have made myself clear regarding your and Mili’s safety. I am not having it any other way.”
“God, it’s not easy to put up with a bossy husband,” she grumbles under her breath, making me grin.
“I think you can handle me.” I wink at her and then turn to Mili. “What do you say, Mili? Is Alisha mommy strong enough to handle Daddy?”
“Yes, my Alisha mommy is the best, she can do just anything.” She bobs her head, her eyes twinkling as she gives me a wide smile. Alisha’s face softens immediately.
“There… you got your answer,” I smirk.
“Well, Your Highness, if you are done throwing orders at me, can I get done with breakfast so that I don’t get late for work?”
“Of course, Wifey, I can agree to that request of yours.”
Alisha rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath as she gets her plate and sits opposite Mili and me. “Also make sure Mili completes her project work. I have printed the images for the project. All you need to do is stick them on the yellow chart paper,” she instructs.
I glance up at her, and my brows furrow. “Do I really need to help her with her school project?”
“Yes.” Alisha nods in agreement.
“But I am not good at that shi…” I bite my tongue, looking at Mili. “Err… I mean, I am not good with project work. I never used to complete mine when I was at school.”
“Welcome to parenthood,” Alisha says, giving me a coy smile.
“Daddy, don’t worry, I will help you with it. I love sticking pictures. In school, I help most of my friends when we have craft class,” Mili chimes in beside me.
I smile and turn to Mili as I drop a kiss on her forehead. “I guess we are going to have a fun day, and your project will turn out to be the best in the class.”
“We are, Daddy!” Mili claps her hands excitedly and shows me a thumbs up. I do the same.
“Aww… Aren’t you both the best father-daughter duo?” Alisha smiles from across the table, with her elbows on the table and chin resting on her palms, looking at both of us with an adorable expression on her face.
I lift the milkshake glass from the table and hold it out to Mili who takes it with a happy smile. While Mili engrosses herself with her milkshake, I lean over the table to Alisha who gives me a puzzled look.
With a grin, I whisper, “I just can’t wait for tonight.”
I watch her face turn red and her eyes heat up.I can spend a thousand lifetimes with her and still want more. Damn, I can never get enough of her. She drives me so crazy.
Chapter 32
“Dad, I am happy,” I say for the twentieth time in the past half an hour.
It’s been two hours since I walked into Dad’s office, and ever since, he has been on pins and needles about how I am coping with my married life. I wish I could put his mind at rest by showing him how happy I am, proving to him how fortunate I feel to be a part of Mili’s life.
“You know I will always worry about you.” Lines of worry are etched on his face as he gets up from his chair opposite me and comes around the desk. He kisses my cheek and mumbles, “Just so you know, Princess, I don’t like that husband of yours.”
A grin escapes my lips, knowing well that he’s lying. I know he likes Ranveer. But at this point, his agitation and concern about me is overpowering his fondness towards Ranveer. Somewhere down my heart, I too am worried that a storm might disrupt our lives, but I don’t want to confess that to Dad. I don’t want him to be any more anxious than he already is.
“Dad, please trust me on this.” Convincing Dad that I am feeling ecstatic in my married life is completely nerve-racking for me. I mean, Dad has always been overprotective about me, and now, to make him accept that I am taking a leap of hope in my marriage along with Mili’s presence, is not easy for him.