Page 52 of Only With You

“I am looking for Alisha aunty. I was alone when I woke up,” she says in her sleepy voice.

I am about to answer when Alisha emerges from behind me, pulling her hair into a bun. My eyes take her in and I notice that she has slipped into her t-shirt. Thanks to my senses, I didn’t chuck her t-shirt on the floor.

“I’m right here, Princess.”

“What are you doing in Daddy’s room?” Mili asks with her head tilted as she walks towards the bed. Alisha looks at me with worried eyes, hoping for me to come up with some excuse.

“She wanted to borrow my t-shirt,” I explain stupidly as I sit up straight on the bed.

My over-smart daughter narrows her eyes. “Won’t that be too big for Aunty?”

Alisha clears her throat. “I like wearing baggy clothes. At home, I would always steal my dad’s t-shirts and sleep in them.”

Mili hops onto the bed. “I don’t like to wear boys’ clothes; they are so boring. I like my pink princess frocks.”

Alisha smiles at her. “I am kind of boring.”

Mili grins. “No, you are not. You are more fun than Dad.”

“I won’t argue with you on that.” Alisha grins as she taps her on the nose.

I want to laugh, but I avoid and instead, change the subject. “It’s time for bed, Princess. You have school tomorrow.”

“Can we all sleep together in this room?” Mili requests, which makes Alisha’s eyes pop wide.

I grin. “That’s a great suggestion. Why don’t you go and bring your princess blanket while Alisha aunty and I set the bed for all of us?”

“I will quickly go and get it.” She beams and is gone in the blink of an eye, leaving Alisha and me alone. I reach out, wrapping my hand around her wrist and pulling her to me.

“I told you it was a bad idea.” She groans, avoiding eye contact with me.

“Nope, it’s not. How about a quickie before our daughter joins us?”

Her head finally turns and she glares at me. “Are you mad for even suggesting that?”

“No harm in trying my luck.” I wink at her.

She groans in frustration. “You’re relentless.”

“When it comes to you, sure I am. And make no mistake, once she goes to sleep, I am going to make love to you. I am going to make you…” I begin.

But she places her fingers on my lips and stops my words. “Ranveer, you need to understand that we can’t keep fooling around with Mili under the same roof. We need to be careful and keep our hands off each other.”

I raise one brow. “Can you resist me?”

She drops her hands from my lips and huffs. “I think you are missing an important point here. What about Mili?”

“We will soon have to have that talk with Mili. No need to prolong the inevitable.”

“I think you are right. I would hate for her to find out through someone else,” she agrees, her face a bit taut with worry.

“Exactly. We can’t keep our life on hold, Sweetheart. We are lucky to have these moments and need to live them to the fullest.”

She stares at me, looking for assurance. After a long minute, she nods, and I see a small smile on her face.

Chapter 26
