We giggle, as we both start to wipe the counter. It doesn’t take us very long to clean up, but by the time we’re finished, I notice Ranveer is still not back. Though I try to not harp over the reasons for his prolonged absence, my mind conjures up all kinds of unwanted images, making me all the more worried.
Chapter 19
Furious. I don’t even know why the fuck Soha does half the crap; I doubt I’ll be able to decipher it at all. Over the past few years, I paid no heed to her bitchy attitude and her ability to make people feel worthless. But now, it’s high time I take matters into my own hands and handle Soha once and for all. I can’t let her hurt my loved ones. This is where I draw the line. I won’t let her get away with it. I am so damn pissed at the way she lashed out at Alisha. She didn’t deserve to be in this chaos.
Closing the house door behind me, I walk through the porch, only stopping when I reach the edge of the driveway with Soha hot on her heels.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing back there? And why the hell are you even here, Soha? I thought I made it explicit to steer clear of my life,” I yell, turning to face her.
“You don’t have to be mad at me. I have the right to come and see my daughter. You can’t keep me away from her,” she argues, standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. I abstain myself from lashing out at her, or even better, grabbing her by her hands and throwing her out of here. Once a wolf always a wolf; she fucking can never change. This is what she is good at, creating an uproar wherever she steps her foot, leaving me to deal with the repercussions.
Hell, her words always make me fly off the handle! I should be an ace at dealing with her, having withstood her nonsense for years. She is a pro at creating ruckus right under my nose, and it’s like walking on a tightrope every time I face her.The only reason I have been tolerating her is because she is Mili’s mother. But not anymore. This shit stops now.
“I doubt if you even realise you have a daughter, let alone miss her,” I snap back.
Her eyes narrow at me. “You have no right to judge me. I don’t need to prove to you that Mili matters to me.” She glares at me while I pin her down with my scowl.
“Of course, she does matter to you. After all, she is your lifetime cheque, which you shamelessly keep encashing from me to keep up your fake lifestyle.”
“You are such a jerk,” she hisses, throwing daggers at me.
“You cursing me won’t change the truth.” I cock my brow, lifting my chin as I cross my arms over my chest, wanting her to spit out her crap, and get the hell out of here. The sooner she’s done spewing her venom, the sooner I get back in and check on Alisha and Mili.
“Fuck you, Ranveer,” she snaps.
I pull in a deep breath and roll my eyes. Standing with her here is utterly exasperating, but I am trying my best not to lose patience. “Let’s get this straight, Soha, you are not welcome here in this house or allowed to be anywhere near my wife. And if you come tossing out your attitude one more time, then you will surely be in trouble.”
“Are you trying to say I am the problem here?”
“That is exactly what I meant,” I snigger. “Not bad. You are finally catching up.”
She throws her hands in the air and lets out a huff. “Fine, I agree I shouldn’t have been rude. But at least try to see from where I am coming, Ranveer? It’s not easy for me to see you with her. I just can’t take it.”
“It’s none of your business, Soha. Alisha is my wife, and whether you like it or not, she’ll always be standing by my side. Also, I didn’t invite you to come here to witness that. You came out of your will to torture yourself.”
“You are Mili’s father.”
“So?” Her jaw tightens and her eyes flash with annoyance. “You are in love and married to another woman when it should be me, your daughter’s mother.”
“That’s a bit rich coming from you! You should have thought about all this before you cheated on me. And don’t you dare start that morality stuff on me when you yourself don’t have an ounce of integrity in you.” My anger reaches a crescendo. To control my temper, I curl my fists so tightly that the knuckles turn white. I then take a step towards her and tower over her while my eyes dare her to retaliate as I lash out. “You just can’t barge into my life, acting all domestic. I have moved on. I have found someone solid in my life, and Mili likes Alisha too. Get that straight in that fucking thick skull of yours.” I will always protect Alisha’s happiness above everything else. And when I say that I love her, I mean that I love her more than anything or anyone ever. There is no one or nothing that can take her place. There is nothing that will ever come before her. There is nothing that Alisha can say or do to make me love her less. Not even when she is trying to kick her way out of me, or the several times she has lashed out at me.
Soha is dumbstruck for a moment, but she quickly gains composure and hisses, “What about Mili? Don’t you care a bit for her happiness, her future?”
“Mili is the only reason you are standing here. If I didn’t care about her, you wouldn’t have the money that’s lying in your bank account. You can stand here all day and make it look like I was the culprit, but deep in your heart, you know I wasn’t the villain and cause of the death of our marriage. Even now, I am the one trying to be the best dad I can be for Mili even though she is not my blood.”
“If you say so.” She looks away. Guilt is written all over her face. I am aware that I hit the right nerve, but too fucking bull-headed to acknowledge it.
“You hurt my wife, who never did anything wrong to you. And you threw this shit of your attitude not only in front of my wife but your daughter as well. This asperity of yours is just not acceptable.” I sigh, feeling defeated and drained out. My anger wires into a nasty headache. I don’t have the energy to deal with her shit right now. “Just fucking leave.”
“Ranveer, look I know I have made you upset, not only just now but in the past as well. I realise and accept my mistake. And now I want to correct it,” she urges. Her shoulders slump before she continues, “I’m thinking about shifting here with Mili.”
“All the best for your reallocation,” I reply with a stoic expression on my face, giving no hint of the storm that’s building in me after hearing her ridiculous decision.
“All the best? Really? That’s all I get? Aren’t you happy that I am moving here?”