Her eyes widen like saucers. “I want to. Will you seriously allow me to help you?”
“Of course. Back home, whenever I would get time, I would help my mom in the kitchen. That would always be the favourite time of the day.” I grin.
She gives me her undiluted smile. “Even I want to try. What do I have to do?”
“I will need your help in mixing a few ingredients. Will that be okay for you?” I inquire, studying her.
“Yes, I can do that,” she agrees, giving me a serious look.
“Come on then, let’s get started!” I exclaim and lift her off the counter.
A few minutes later, we both have our matching aprons on and start the preparation for the batter. By the time we have the ingredients in the bowls, she’s a pro, and is completely at ease.
“I am done mixing,” Mili announces, looking at the batter.
“Okay, let me get the tray to pour the batter in.” I pat her cheek before moving to the cabinets.
Once I find the tray, I set the temperature on the oven, and go back to where she’s standing to find her still scanning down at the batter.
“I must say you did good,” I beam at her.
She smiles brightly and then asks, “Can I pour the batter in the tray?”
“Here, you can try,” I offer and place the heart-shaped tray on the counter. “Let me get the butter from the fridge.” I turn towards the fridge and pull out the butter to grease the tray. When I turn back to Mili, I see her trying to lift the bowl.
I start to tell her that the bowl is a bit heavy for her to lift and I will help her, but she lifts it clumsily, and before I can reach out to help her, the batter falls all over the floor and on her clothes as well.
Mili screams and holds out her hands as she jumps and moves back from where she’s been standing.
“Ooops.” I look at Mili. The batter has spilled over her dress, and there is still more falling from the counter to the floor.
“I’m sorry,” Mili says softly, her lower lip quivering.
I blink at her and feel sorry for her. When I see her black eyes filled with worry, I decide to turn the tables.
“That was…” I giggle and then hold my stomach as I start to laugh hard. While pointing at her, I say in between the bouts of laughter. “You look… like a… clumsy clown.” Her face, which was distraught at first, relaxes a bit. In a moment, I hear her join me with her sweet chuckle. “I should have helped you pour the batter,” I continue as I try to bring my laughter under control as I attempt to clean the dollops of batter off her.
“Let me grab a cloth to clean this mess.” I turn around, but my feet freeze. Ranveer is standing at the door, studying me with his warm eyes. Neither of us utter a word and just stare at each other.
“Daddy we…” Mili begins to speak when a loud female voice stops her mid-way.
“What the hell is happening here? Mili, why do you have food all over your dress?”
I look over his shoulder and see Soha. The warmth in my eyes is immediately replaced by bleakness. My back straightens and my muscles bunch as I look at her with apprehension.
“Mommy…” Mili mumbles and bites her lip as she stays rooted to her spot.
“What are you doing here?” Ranveer growls. My eyes fly to him, while he glares at Soha.
“What am I doing here? I am her mother, and I have the right to come and see my daughter,” Soha informs, her head held high. “The real question is what isshedoing here.” She pins me with her stare from her position near the door while she stands next to Ranveer. She then shoots her eyes at him. “I don’t want her near my daughter. Just a few minutes in her company and my daughter is all messy,” Soha complains, her face distorted in disgust, pointing at Mili.
Mili’s nose scrunches at the statement, but besides that, she doesn’t react or say anything.
“I don’t care about what you want or feel. So, I would advise you to turn around and leave,” Ranveer lashes out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I am not kidding, Ranveer. Mili is my daughter, and I have a say on who can be around her.” Her face twists into a sneer.
“I am not having this conversation with you right now,” he retorts in a harsh tone.