Page 28 of Only With You

“Hi, is this Miss Alisha?” the unfamiliar voice of a woman greets me.

“Yes, that’s me,” I answer sceptically.

“I am Nadia, the caretaker for Mr Rajesh Seth,” she says as she introduces herself.

Granddad’s caretaker? What can be the reason for the call? Suddenly, I feel guilty for not keeping a check on Granddad. What if something is wrong with him? I am aware that of late, I have been tactless, especially when it has come to him. I went from spending quality time with him to none at all. It’s been months since I last spoke to him. After things went down with Ranveer and me, I pulled myself back from everyone who was a part of Ranveer’s life. I didn’t want anything that would remind me of Ranveer and make it difficult for me to move forward. But who am I kidding? Despite all the efforts, I still don’t have it in me to forget him.

“Is he okay?” I ask in a low voice, crossing my fingers.


“Thank God,” I say and blow out a breath of relief.

However, my solace is short-lived when she speaks again. “But he did have a mild heart attack a couple of days back.” Her words hit me harder than I can admit, and it takes every ounce of self-restraint not to scream at the top of my lungs.

“What?” I whisper. Nausea turns my stomach and pain blooms in my chest. “He had an attack?”

“Yes, he did. But now he is out of danger. The doctors have asked him to take it easy and not to stress about anything.”

Clearing my throat, I grip the phone a little tighter. “Is he fine?” I can’t help but ask again to reassure myself.

“Yes, he is. Like I said, he is out of danger now,” she confirms. “Mr Rajesh Seth has been talking about you lately and hoped to see you. That’s the reason I am calling you to check with you if it’s possible for you to come down and meet him.”

Shame and repentance overwhelm me, but I brush them off. Yes, I made a mistake, but this is not the time to regret what cannot be undone. Right now, I need to focus on how I can make it right.

“I will be there,” I affirm without giving it a second thought. Though she said he was fine, the worry lodges itself in my throat. Till I don’t see him with my eyes, I won’t be at peace.

“Thanks. I will let Mr Seth know that you will be coming down to meet him.”

“Yeah, please let him know. Also, one more thing.” I hesitate for a moment but then ask, “Is Ranveer aware of it?”

“No, he doesn’t know. Mr Seth didn’t want anyone to worry, so he asked me to be tight-lipped about it. But I couldn’t hold myself back from calling you as I could see how lonely he is, and how he was repeatedly expressing his wish to meet you.”

I take a few moments to process her words. That’s the reason Ranveer never told me anything about it.

“I will be there soon,” I tell her after a moment.

“Thanks once again,” she pauses. Her voice is softer as she continues, “He missed you.”

“I missed him too,” I agree quietly before I hang up and clutch the mobile to my chest.

I lean my head back against the chair and close my eyes, as I try to get my emotions under control.


My eyes snap open. I lift my head and find Dad walking into the office.

“Are you okay?” He asks as he carefully sits on the chair opposite me, his eyes taking in my distraught countenance.

I pull in a deep breath. “It’s... it’s Granddad.”

“Is he trying to create any problem?” His eyebrows furrow, as he studies me with worry in her eyes.

Giving him what I hope is a reassuring smile, I answer, “Dad, he is doing no such thing. His caretaker called sometime back and informed me that he had an attack. I need to go check on him.”

“Are you really going to meet him?” he demands in a high-pitched voice. I can see him clenching his fists while he looks at me with wide eyes.

“I need to,” I admit, trying to wipe the tears that are now streaming down my cheeks.