Kissing Remy is different. Itisfun—it’ssofun—but it’s intense too, his usual focus dialed all the way up. It’s not just a pleasant way to pass an evening. Now that it’s started, I don’t want it to stop, and I can’t imagine how I’ve gone all of these months without this in my life.

Remy’s tongue teases the seam of my lips, searingly hot. He’s desperate—I can feel it in the tension of his hands on me, in the insistence of his lips, and I open my mouth to let him in. He moans into my mouth.

I let him push me back against the counter, his willowy frame not enough to move me if I didn’t allow it to happen. But seeing Remy aggressive sets my blood to boiling. The professional veneer has burned away. He’s leaning against me, wrapped in soft, lazy weekend clothes, and that look in his eyes would get him fired if he brought it into work.

Remy pulls back to look at me, his eyes wild, the wide black pupils rimmed by rings of pale blue. “Take me to bed,” he grits out, “please.”

A slow grin spreads across my face as I process his words. “Impatient,” I say.

He glares at me. “I spent the entire night trying to sleep with your hard dick pressing into my back,” he hisses, “I think I have the patience of a fuckingsaint.”

I press my palm flat against his stomach and feel the muscles flutter under my hand. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather play a board game?” I ask, reveling in the destroyed, devastated look that flashes in his eyes. “I’m open to suggestions.”

Remy lunges forward to nip my bottom lip hard enough to sting. “Isuggest,” he says, his voice somehow both breathy and commanding at the same time, “that we get naked with each other before my parents get back or I’m going to lose my mind.”

“Whatever you need,” I tell him, and I mean it mostly as a joke but it comes out sounding like a confession, and Remy goes boneless against me. He cranes up to kiss me again, slower this time, gentler and deeper.

“You’ve been trying to tell me for months,” he says, pulling away just a fraction, his lips brushing against mine as he talks, “all those cookies and quotes.”

“Hey,” I mutter, kissing along the side of his neck, “have you heard this one?”

Remy groans and then gasps as I dig my teeth into the curve where his neck joins his shoulder. “I’m a little busy right now,” he breathes out, “for Anne Carson or Camus.”

I smile against his skin. “This one’s John Waters, actually.If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ‘em.”

Remy huffs a laugh.

“Sweetheart,” I say, “I am going to fuck you in every room of this house because you’ve filled it so full of books that the shelves arecreaking.”

Remy whimpers and grinds his hips into mine and,God, he’s so hard against me.

When I look down at him, he smiles at me and it’s wicked. His face is transformed, and if I thought he was attractive before, if I wanted him before, I am out of my mind with it now.

“Promises, promises,” he says.

Chapter 8