“It’s a good thing you guys leave clothes everywhere,” Aurora whispered, tugging a massive shirt over her bare body and making a half-hearted attempt to fix her hair.

It was unfixable.

I’d messed it up far too much while I made love to her against one of the walls an hour earlier.

“I’m sure it’s just some of the guys checking to make sure we’re both alive,” I said, smoothing her hair like I thought it would help.

It wouldn’t, but she didn’t need to know that.

And honestly, I just wanted to touch her.

She nodded, and I tugged the lever to open the thick sheet of stone covering our doorway.

“Hello?” Ezra called down from above us.

I grumbled, and Aurora slipped her hand through my arm. Her grip eased my mood, and I couldn’t stop myself from brushing a kiss to the top of her head.

“Hey,” Aurora called back. “Is everything okay? We’re fine out here, just honeymooning.”

“You’re mated?” Ezra demanded.


A few whoops and cheers erupted outside, and my lips curved upward slightly.

Our female alpha definitely hadn’t come alone.

“Well, congrats! Sorry to ruin the mood, but Serae just dropped off a human who’s about to pop.”

There was a pause.

“About to pop, as in…” Aurora trailed off, her eyes wide.

“Yeah. Very, very pregnant, with a little human.”

“Shit. I’m coming.” She surged toward the ladder, and I stopped her just long enough to kiss her. She pulled away soon enough, flashing me a grin before calling back, “We’recoming.

My hands brushed her hips as I helped her up the ladder, knowing she wanted to climb up there herself. When we surfaced, I watched her throw her arms around Ezra, and give the handful of guys with her a quick smile.

Then, she stepped back to my side.

My chest burned with pride.

My female loved me, and trusted me.

I slid a hand around her waist, setting it lightly on her hip. I still didn’t want to push hertoomuch.

“You know you can touch me and kiss me whenever you want, now,”she remarked, flashing me another grin.

The burning in my chest grew hotter.

It was a damn good thing our frenzy was over, or I would’ve needed to take her behind a tree and make love to her just for that damn remark.

“A baby, huh?” Aurora asked Ezra.

She grinned. “Yep. Looks like our pack’s about to change again.”

Aurora mirrored her grin. “I’m looking forward to it.”